O/T Sepultura


Cosmic kicker of Elves
Apr 24, 2005
Balloch, Scotland
Just found out there playing Glasgow in March and had to get tickets. I Havent seen them in years. There supporting 'In Flames'. Anybody know anything about them ? Are they any good ?
In flames are a great live band. Have went to taper their american mainstream market with their lastest 2 album's ( Reroute To remain & Soundtrack) havent heard the newest yet so can say about that. Clayman & Colony are great albums as is Whoracle
Both are well over the hill, in my opinion.

That being said, Im actually looking forward to the new Seps, particularly in the hope that they can produce something like "Arise" again.
metal_thrashing_kansan said:
In Flames is awesome. Kinda weird Seps opening for them. More of an insult if ya ask me, but no one did, so I will shut up for now.

i think its a bit of an insult too, but i guess seps venues have been getting smaller and smaller over the years anyway, still dont thinkt hey should be supporting in flames, other way round maybe........in flames are ok, i really like their earlier albums, havent been fussed about the last three at all tho....since reroute to remain in fact, didnt like the rerouting ;)
DarrellDethSDMF said:
As far as I'm concerned, it's In Flames supporting Sepultura.

yeah they are just playnig the wrong way round for some reason :)..... i'll defo be going mad to seps esp if troops of doom getsbusted out and chilling out with beers for in flames, they are good to watch tho
lokey said:
yeah they are just playnig the wrong way round for some reason :)..... i'll defo be going mad to seps esp if troops of doom getsbusted out and chilling out with beers for in flames, they are good to watch tho

Yeah man I know. Too bad that Igor's not playing this tour. He's one of my top 5 favorite drummers and I was looking forward to finally seeing him play live. The show's still gonna kick ass.:headbang:
DarrellDethSDMF said:
Yeah man I know. Too bad that Igor's not playing this tour. He's one of my top 5 favorite drummers and I was looking forward to finally seeing him play live. The show's still gonna kick ass.:headbang:

Igors not with them??????? WHAT!? Is he gone, or just taking a break or something?
"There are a lot of comments about me leaving the band, so I thought it would be better to explain to the fans exactly what is going on and why I am not going to Europe.

The reason why I am not doing the European dates is because I wanna be with my family and specially with my new born son Antonio.

But, at the same time we decided that it would hurt a lot the release of the album not to do any dates, so we agreed to call a step drummer to do those dates.

I also would like to explain to our fans that I'm not leaving Sepultura, it's just that I need this time for me, and I hope the guys have a great tour."

Igor Cavalera

ok, I paniced, sorry. My bad.
I saw Sepultura in the Barrowlands on the Arise tour, at the height of their powers. It was a shit gig, don't really know why. :( Even Atrophy were better when I saw them with Sacred Reich.

BTW In Flames are shite, IMO.
Stormwatch said:
I saw Sepultura in the Barrowlands on the Arise tour, at the height of their powers. It was a shit gig, don't really know why. :( Even Atrophy were better when I saw them with Sacred Reich.

BTW In Flames are shite, IMO.
Thats weird, especially for the Arise tour. I have the Live in Barcelona DVD, and they are on fire for the whole set