O/T St. Anger album artwork is return to the old school....

I was told that the new Metallica single (Frantic?) is complete crap. Sure it's fast, but (from what I've heard) it sounds like shit.
The person who told me this said, in a word, it is just "GAY".
But I'll download it either way.....
I haven't heard a single note but in my opinion, the artwork is totally crappy. I liked the Load one far better.
The St Anger artwork is a total rip off from the Red Faction 2 video game front cover. It's so obvious it's scary. This album is nu metal crap, so why bother ?
I heard you can download the whole thing. That's right folks, you can download St. Anger now!
Don't let those fucks (Metallica) take one cent of your money.
I'll download the whole thing (whether it's good or not) for free as soon as I get my PC working................
astroboy said:
The St Anger artwork is a total rip off from the Red Faction 2 video game front cover. It's so obvious it's scary. This album is nu metal crap, so why bother ?
ThraxDude said:
I heard you can download the whole thing. That's right folks, you can download St. Anger now!

Actually you can't. It's not the right CD for a few songs and some are so bad quality that it's not wirth trying to listen to it.
Ragamuffin said:
Actually you can't. It's not the right CD for a few songs and some are so bad quality that it's not wirth trying to listen to it.

Well, Ragamuffin, could you please PM me with more info.......on how to obtain (STEAL) the new Metallica album?

Metallica does NOT deserve ANYONE'S money.......
jdelpi said:
I told my mom Metallica's new album comes out next week. She said something along the lines of "ok, download me a copy and tell Lars I said thank you for saving me $16.99." I think somehow Thra:rofl:ude has become my mother.

Dude, your mom rules.
Feel free to call me "mommy" from now on........

P.S. That link you sent me doesn't work anymore.................
ThraxDude said:
Well, Ragamuffin, could you please PM me with more info.......on how to obtain (STEAL) the new Metallica album?

Metallica does NOT deserve ANYONE'S money.......

Done and done.

I can't believe I spelled worth with an I and didn't catch it.
The "We've Come For You All" cover kicks the "St. Anger" covers ass up AND down the street.

Saw the "St. Anger" video. Song has some cool parts but the chorus sucks and it's not structured all that great. I think I've heard part of another song (Frantic?) that was a little better. I dunno if I can bring myself to buy the album or not.
Brentney Spears said:
The "We've Come For You All" cover kicks the "St. Anger" covers ass up AND down the street.

Saw the "St. Anger" video. Song has some cool parts but the chorus sucks and it's not structured all that great. I think I've heard part of another song (Frantic?) that was a little better. I dunno if I can bring myself to buy the album or not.

FOR THE LOVE OF GOD! Please don't buy anything from Metallica ever!
They don't give a fuck about their fans, they only want $$$$$$$$$$$$$$
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What an amazing first post!:yow: