O/T State Of The Union Address

one man stands

Twins Still In It
Feb 14, 2002
Albert Lea, MN
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So anyone got any opinions on what we will hear, and if you have already heard it(meaning it's on in a hour so most people will read this after it's on) what do you think? Is our Nation in trouble or are we heading for Golden Times?
That's right, we'll see. Some of histories best leaders weren't tremendously popular in their milieu. Or if they were popular, they were just as hated (ya know how that works) I doubt history has had such a dumbass with this much power though. That being said, he is our leader, and if I've got his back for the duration. Don't mistake me calling him an idiot as me turning my back on the president in a time of war. Remember, I'm one of the prudes who thinks Nixon should have had the Nat. Guard shoot MORE protestors at Kent State.
Originally posted by TD
Yeah, always good to have the leader of the free world who has no grasp of his grammar, among other things. Under the present conditions, I give him an "ok" but ya know he's just a puppet, someone is pulling all of his strings.

Not being a good public speaker doesn't really disqualify you for the job
every leader would have people writing there speeches for them and pulling strings,he may not be the most well spoken but i like the message he is sending.

he has def had one of the toughest terms in office any president could ask for so i repect him on how he has handled himslef.

i take it the republicans are softies???
Originally posted by Ragamuffin
Not being a good public speaker doesn't really disqualify you for the job

Obviously it doesn't, it does however make America the laughing stock of the world. You and I both know, "W" is a dumb ass. I'm glad he is surrounded by Cheney and Powell, and I sincerely hope he takes advice from Henry Kissinger - a foriegn affairs magician. Those are 3 words "W" couldn't string together though.
That's why he got elected, because of the talent around him...Rumsfield, Powell, and Cheney. If he didn't have these guys we would have Gore as President. After 9-11 I'd prefer to have George W.
However, domestically I think he's dropping the ball.
1. He should have signed the Kyoto proposal.
2. Almost all states are running deficits, because he's pulled the money back into the Federal fold.
3. Taxes: We just had a tax cut, now he wants one for just pretty much the upper income people. (I do not belong in that bracket)
4. 15 Billion to Africa to fight aids!?!??!? It's a serious problem, but come on, that's a lot of dough.

cool picture, hopefully they get one more year. Need to start playing better though.