O/T: Stuck Mojo Announcment....Mentions John Bush


You'll Be in Hell With ME
Nov 23, 2002
Posted by Rich Ward of Stuck Mojo on their MYSPACE site:

Well, it's been a while since I've sat down to give everyone the latest goings on in the world of Mojo. It's been non-stop since the first of the year, with the writing and recording of a new record, tours of the UK and our first US tour since 1999. To be honest, I really thought that, after a seven year absence from touring in the States, we'd be performing in empty rooms (unless you include the bar-staff and the opening bands). I was really humbled and honored that night after night, folks spent their hard-earned money to see Mojo do our thing.

Inspired by the turnouts, my goal was to work harder and play harder than ever to earn the respect of those who came out to see us. Equally as important to the future of the band was the need to write an album that exceeded all expectations. An album that ignored trends and took chances more than we ever have before. Basically, it had to be the shit! I think the album is amazing but, ultimately, you guys and gals can let me know what you think.

Now its time for a Mojo family meeting. Those of you who know the history of the band already know why the band decided to part ways with Bonz in 2000. The purpose of doing a few tours before we released a new Mojo record was to see if the issues of the past had died with our egos, our immaturity and our youthful sense of immortality. Sadly, old demons don't die easily.

Bonz is my friend and my brother. We have traveled the world together and, just like any family, shared moments of trial and triumph. I'm not going to use this forum to air what issues I view as private matters. What I can tell you is that everyone in the Mojo camp - band, crew, management and those on our extended team - agree that Bonz is not in a place at the present time where he can deliver at the level necessary to continue as a member of this band.

In the past, Bonz' substance abuse transformed a guy we loved into someone that no one in the band wanted to be around. With that said, it rarely affected his on-stage performance. He was almost always brilliant and, during the late nineties, there is no one that I would have rather shared a stage with. All of us who share the stage with him now know that the abuse continues to affect his performance. To perform at anything less than what you, our supporters, have come to expect from us is unacceptable.

We are also very aware of the recent, substance-related deaths experienced by bands such as American Head Charge and Drowning Pool. We refuse to standby and watch, afraid that one morning we'll wake up to find our brother dead because the previous night was just too much. So, after the tour concluded, the band discussed our options and came up with only one solution. Bonz was to enter a drug and alcohol rehabilitation program or he would need to step down as vocalist. No exceptions. Bonz responded with a compromise where he would work on the addiction himself. Everyone from the band, crew, management and those on our extended team felt that this was too big of a risk to take when the careers and livelihoods of everyone involved was at stake to varying degrees. To gamble the band's future on someone who is the source of such instability is not an option anymore. Bonz will always be part of our family and we will continue to support him in anyway that benefits him in his quest for healing.

So, where does that leave us? Tell us what you think. On almost every message board and in almost every web poll Ive seen, Declaration of a Headhunter is cited as Mojo's best record. The same is true for the two new tracks from the Violate This release. This material represents the era of Mojo when Bonz and the band had split.

With this in mind, would you continue to support Stuck Mojo with another vocalist? If we searched the world and found "the guy," how would you feel about it? I realize that a change of front man can go either way. I like Paul DiAnnos work Maiden, and of course Bruce Dickinson as well. I'm a big fan of the John Bush era of Anthrax. So, in other words, I know that, with the right guy, a new Stuck Mojo era could exist.

I encourage all of you in the worldwide Mojo family to let us know what you think. Youll find a thread in the Stuck Mojo forum at http://www.StuckMojo.us where we can talk about moving forward. If you prefer, you can private message me through the forum as well. I speak for all of us when I say that we honestly want to know what you think.

Respectfully, Rich Ward
thraxx said:
I'm not going to use this forum to air what issues I view as private matters. What I can tell you is that everyone in the Mojo camp - band, crew, management and those on our extended team - agree that Bonz is not in a place at the present time where he can deliver at the level necessary to continue as a member of this band.

He says that, but then he goes into great detail about Bonz's drug and alcohol problems. If that's not a private matter, what is? :Smug:
thraxx said:
Posted by Rich Ward of Stuck Mojo on their MYSPACE site:

...We are also very aware of the recent, substance-related deaths experienced by bands such as American Head Charge and Drowning Pool...
I didn't think Dave Williams' death was drug related. I could be wrong though. Anyway, it's got to suck to be in a position like this.
Yeah, I am pretty pissed about him getting the boot again. Stuck Mojo is one of the only bands I like with the rap style tinge to it. Declaration is one of their worst albums also imo. No Bonz. No cash coming out of my pocket.
MikeyBong said:
I didn't think Dave Williams' death was drug related. I could be wrong though. Anyway, it's got to suck to be in a position like this.

yeah i read that he had a heart defect and that it just stopped working....... he defo liked a lotta drink, dunno about the drugs.....think you are right tho, not a dug related death......
Yeah I heard Dave's death was from a congenital heart defect, not drugs. I never heard about the guy from Head Charge, I had tickets to see them the day he died. They were with Disturbed and Life of Agony, I heard about it while standing in line, I was bummed.