o/t: Sweet deal on GameCube


Feb 2, 2002
I just got my GameCube from Target. I got this killer deal:
1 GameCube
1 Super Smash Bros. Melee (included in GameCube box)
1 Metroid Prime
1 Memory Card 251 (included with Metroid Prime)

all for $149.99 + tax.

I gotta go play now!

If you order Legend of Zelda Wind Waker at Blockbuster you get a special two game disk with Ocarina of Time and Ocarina of Time Master Quest.
That's if you preorder it anywhere, best buy gives it to you right away for $15 and thats your deposit on Wind Waker

The games are Ocarina Of Time & Ocarina Of Time Master Quest (much harder)

I've been playing Master Quest all morning vicodins out of my head...I'll be back to it VERY soon.
I have PS2. I was interested with Gamecube but I don't think I'll get it because their baseball games look shitty. I love High Heat Baseball for PS2. When I created a player named Alex Fernandez, the announcers actually say it when he comes up to bat. How cool is that?
Woah there, fellas. I never said anything about Nintendo, I was talking about the Gamecube console itself. Alot of gaming companies are ditching Gamecube already, mainly because of Nintendo's lack of support for it and the fact that they're already gearing up for the next console.
As long as Nintendo keeps putting out Legend of Zelda games, I'll keep buying the new systems.

By the way, Metroid Prime rules.
i really liked the first playstation console,plenty of titles and was cheap as to buy.

i wont be getting ps2 until its under 100 bucks to buy and i know that it can be chipped.
I've got the Xbox, PlayStation 2, GameCube, Dreamcast, PSone, Nintendo 64, Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) and I wish I still had my Super Nintendo.
Of all these systems, the Xbox is the best. You don't need no stinking memory cards, you can play to your own music.
Xbox just doesn't get all the cool games like PlayStation2 and GameCube do.
I agree with Todd, "As long as Nintendo keeps putting out Legend of Zelda games, I'll keep buying the new systems."
And, "By the way, Metroid Prime rules."

Metroid Prime: I just started playing this free :D game.

Oh, and the PC is killer for games, but PCs are about as reliable as Fords.
The Super Nintendo Entertainment System was the greatest console ever. Period.

Following that, The Sega Dreamcast...that was an underappreciated beauty.