O/T The new Star Wars DVDs rule

Apr 3, 2004
I just finished watching Star Wars A New Hope, and Empire Strikes Back. Holy Shit do these DVDs rule.(I was lucky enough to get an early copy) They are so clean, and the sound is sooooooooooo freekin amazing. When the Star Destroyers come onto the screen at the beginning of A New Hope, I thought my windows were going to shatter. There are some minor changes that major SW geeks whine about, but this new version rules. Best DVD set to come out ever.

2 Thumbs way up.
Yeah, and when Solo steps on Jabba's tail, it looks totally homo.

I also heard that Lucas replaced Sebastian Shaw (Anakin / Vader) with Heyden Christensen in the final shot of Anakin, Ben, and Yoda's ghosts. If that is indeed the case, that is not a minor change. Not to mention totally uncalled for.
my brother and i are holding to the theory of ours that George Lucas died shortly after the original theatrical release of JEDI and his heirs are milking Star Wars. they hired some guy to dress up in a George Lucas-suit.

i didn't think episode II was THAT bad though.
Its Lucas' movie. The dvds still rule. Like I said, the nerds will complain. So keep it up nerdlingers

chiefs45177 said:
Yeah, and when Solo steps on Jabba's tail, it looks totally homo.

I also heard that Lucas replaced Sebastian Shaw (Anakin / Vader) with Heyden Christensen in the final shot of Anakin, Ben, and Yoda's ghosts. If that is indeed the case, that is not a minor change. Not to mention totally uncalled for.
Damn right. A nerd and a loser.

I don't care whos movies they are, changing them 15 years later and not offering at least a choice is weak.
You just don't fix what aint broke.
The DVDs should have the option:
Original Versions (good stuff)
Or Shitty (ie: Greedo-shoots-first; Gay Jabba's-Lair-Dance-Faggot-Alien-Singer) Versions
Ragamuffin said:
Damn right. A nerd and a loser.

I don't care whos movies they are, changing them 15 years later and not offering at least a choice is weak.
There is a choice! DON'T FUCKING BUY THEM It's like the people who say "Oh, the Rolling Stones suck now, I wish they would stop." Well, just stop buying the fucking tickets.
I'm not, doesn't even begin to matter though. I have my Laser rips of the original versions.
That is not a choice. VHS tapes are as dead as...dead and Laserdiscs were always terrible. DVDs are the only thing you can buy movies on now and still hope to get a good sound and video quality and there's no choice at all there. He knows damn well the fans exist and what they want and out and out refuses to meet them even half way. Instead he issues revised edition after revised edition and screws the fans over.
It's not about being a nerd. It's about something you grew up with and like alot. When the creator goes and changes shit in them (because he couldn't do some of that stuff back then - which is a lame excuse), it sucks...especially when the changes are as dumb as what was discussed above.

It's like this...Anthrax releases 'N.F.V.' on DVD. Just because they think Joey is a dick, they go and film new scenes with Bush singing. Then they edit Joey out and John in,
replacing the vocal track in the process. Now, would you guys think that was cool? I know that's totally farfetched for Anthrax (although Ozzy has done something simlilar with his first two CDs), but that's what I am talking about. You don't fuck with something that was fine to begin with.

And it's not about "don't fucking buy them" either. If you're a Star Wars fan, you want these films on DVD. Lucas should respect the opinions of the thousands of people who love his movies by offering the original films to people if they want them...and not acting like they no longer exist.

And I don't think that people who say the Stones suck are the ones still buying the tickets, bub. Now go back to selling your Anthrax bootlegs.
chiefs45177 said:
It's not about being a nerd. It's about something you grew up with and like alot. When the creator goes and changes shit in them (because he couldn't do some of that stuff back then - which is a lame excuse), it sucks...especially when the changes are as dumb as what was discussed above.

It's like this...Anthrax releases 'N.F.V.' on DVD. Just because they think Joey is a dick, they go and film new scenes with Bush singing. Then they edit Joey out and John in,
replacing the vocal track in the process. Now, would you guys think that was cool? I know that's totally farfetched for Anthrax (although Ozzy has done something simlilar with his first two CDs), but that's what I am talking about. You don't fuck with something that was fine to begin with.

And it's not about "don't fucking buy them" either. If you're a Star Wars fan, you want these films on DVD. Lucas should respect the opinions of the thousands of people who love his movies by offering the original films to people if they want them...and not acting like they no longer exist.

And I don't think that people who say the Stones suck are the ones still buying the tickets, bub. Now go back to selling your Anthrax bootlegs.

:cry: George Lucas put a new scene in a movie I "grew up with, and like alot." Boo - hoo. I grew up with them too, and theses DVD's will do just fine. It's just a movie for God's sake. You sound like Comic Book Guy.
Well, I guess you're more mature than me. I'll go on crying about these DVDs for the rest of my life, while you settle with what Georgie Poo gives you.

"It's just a movie for God's sake". Yeah, I'm aware of that, but I am sure there's something out there that you're just as anal about.

Man, I always thought you were an OK guy too. Rock on, homeboy.
chiefs45177 said:
I also heard that Lucas replaced Sebastian Shaw (Anakin / Vader) with Heyden Christensen in the final shot of Anakin, Ben, and Yoda's ghosts. If that is indeed the case, that is not a minor change. Not to mention totally uncalled for.

You heard right, theres a few little changes and the one you just mentioned like that in the dvd releases to make them more in line with the prequel movies. Its how Lucas sees episodes iv, v and vi now.

Lot of rumours flying round atm too about more SW movies and/or a tv series too. PPL at IL&M have signed contracts so not to discuss anything on episodes vii, viii, ix.