O/T: Two Queensryche's


Mar 15, 2005
Cleveland, OH
www. joecephus.com
We Anthrax fans like to bitch and complain about the various line-up changes & singer issues over the years with Anthrax, but could you imagine if Anthrax has the same type of issues going on as Queensryche is having.

Two separate bands, both named Queensryche one featuring 3 founding members, the other featuring 1 founding member and a former member. Both touring as Queensryche and both releasing new albums this year.

Thats just nuts.
If this were to happen, who would be in the two lineups? I would think in order for this to ever become a reality, Scott and Charlie would have to be in seperate lineups. I'm sure Frank would go with his uncle Charlie.
It would be a heaven & Hell/Sabbath scenario. Joey is Anthrax, Bush is "Sound of White Noise"
Now I hear Tate's guitarist just left and went to the other Queensryche, WTF? It's crazy that all this drama will probably sell more tickets for both bands. Tate's version is coming here soon, not going.
Not exactly/ Glen Drover was announced as the guitarist for Tate’s version (which also along the way also lost his new drummer), but he quickly left after doing no recording or live dates, he just recently announced he’ll be making a live appearance with the “real” QR.


That said, the 90 second sample of the new QR song “Redemption” is pretty damn good. Todd La Torre can get it done.

I dunno, he looks really creepy now though.