O/T: Vinny Testaverde: Behind the Glory (Anthrax BTM)


Great show on one of my favorite athletes!! The classiest and most humble pro I've ever seen. Quote: "I'm the luckiest guy in the world to be able to make this kind of living having fun and having a great family." I wish most athletes spoke this way rather than acting like the Portland Jail Blazers or Ray Lewis.
Anyway, this BTG, was a lot like Anthrax Behind the Music: it was almost uncanny:

Vinny is Italian with a cool last name like Charlie!
Vinny grew up in a large Italian family w/ no brothers but lots of sisters.
Vinny is from New Yawk.
Vinny is regarded as the nicest guy in his field, and the most underrated (like Charlie)

Then the bad luck. Has to back up Kosar in college, almost transfers, but Bernie goes pro, so Vinny gets a shot. Vinny wins Heisman, but gets injured before FIesta Bowl. Has terrible Fiesta Bowl. Gets drafted # 1 (good) by the Bucs (bad). 6 losing seasons (bad) Goes to Cleveland (good) to back up Kosar again (bad) Kosar gets cut, Vinny starts, good for Vinny, but fans hate him for it. Vinny leads Browns to playoffs, fans still hate him (bad) Modell moves team to Baltimore (bad) But Baltimore loves Vinny (good) Vinny goes to Pro-Bowl (good) but Ravens lose a lot of games and Vinny gets cut (bad) Vinny goes to NYJ and leads team to playoffs and pro-bowl in his hometown for his dad (good) Dad dies (bad) Ruptures Achilles (bad) 09/11 (bad) playoffs (good) the end.

My best friend called me up and said "man, this is as depressing as Anthrax BTM, you think they're all related?"

Vinny is a class act, and I will proudly wear my Cleveland #12 jersey and NYJ #16 until they fade and rip apart.