O/T: Yesterday Linkin Park and Adema show


Your favourite Czech
Feb 5, 2002
Yeah! yesterday me and my friend got free tickets and went to see Linkin Park and Adema show! It was supposed to be in June but poor Chester got sick again. They postponed it so all the chicks wouldn't shoot themselves. Anyway, I thought I was in kindergarten. Packed arena (over 16.000 people) consisting of 12-15 year old kids. Most of them looked like they had never been into rock concert before. Holy crap. When Backstreet Boys with guitars hit the stage all the girls looked like pissing their pants and coming at the same time. It wasn't that bad actually but I was yawning most of the time. It was just boring. They played less than one hour and I thought they played one song ten times. I actually liked Adema a bit better but it was nothing new to me. Nu-metal bandwagon.
Nu-metal blows. Linkin Park will die VERY soon. Prolly after the release of their next CD. All their fans will have finally hit 18 and wisend up. "OH MY GOD, the first CD sounds EXACTLY like the second one". Time for ALL nu-metal to go.
Dude, I felt the same way at the Summer Sanitarium. Whenever Linkin Park would ask all their "hardcore" fans to cheer, it was mostly little girls, none of them any older than 16, I was laughing my ass off. I wonder where these guys are gonna be 10 years later, they'll be lucky if they even get asked for autographs anymore, by then all their current fans will have grown up and the new generation will just think "how the fuck did anyone ever like these posers?!"
id go to a show like that just to kill the pit, although i probably couldnt though, because if im not hearing blastbeats i usually cant 'jump in the fire', and i dont think linkin park play blastbeats, although "one step closer" is a metal song! with good riffs! and an awesome dj solo! *he he he* *teeny boppin hi pitched laughes* *comes back to reality* what the fuck!? *kills self*