Obama is a mack-daddy!


Southern born, metal bred
Dec 13, 2004

and dont forget '...that little Caroline.' :lol:

Holy... you know hhhhwat!

This freakin nutjob is a pastor, right? I got confused when he said he learned about Obama from "a white woman's tits."

He's a Ph.D., right? Kinda got confused when he said Obama's father went a'whoring for white women, and that's how Obama was created.

This guy's on total hyperbolic egomaniac steroids. Another great quote: "If I don't speak, you don't get to eat! You don't get to eat!" and "I don't have to compromise with your nappy heads!"

And he concludes: "There must be something deficient with your intellectual strengths! ...And two years from now, Mexicans are gonna be running your life and writing your paycheck! ...I am your last hope! After me, there'll be no hope! Farrakhan did nothing for ya, Obama is an emissary of the Devil! I am your last hope!!" Sweet!

Shit, he can dump all over Obama all he wants, I just notice ONE thing: moderately light-skinned Pastor Manning is surrounded by his followers: blacker-than-night Kenyans!
