Obama supporter


May 6, 2004
This is funny.
Ask any Obama supporter this question and this is the answer you will get

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Ah crap. They must have took it down.
Hardball Chris Mathews(sp?) asks a Texas State rep who supports Obama about Obama's legislative achievements. He could not answer. He just sat there in complete silence for some time trying to rack his brain to come up with something. They also had a Clinton supporter there and her and Mathews and people in the studio were laughing because this guy couldn't come up with anything. This moron backs a candidate, goes on a national talking head program and doesn't know a thing about who he is supporting or why.
Pretty much like your typical Obama supporter, they can't answer simple questions about his qualifications as to why he should be President of The United States.
As if anyone gets elected based on their qualifications. Its all about how much you can brainwash the populace.
Fuck that clown. "Hope hope hope hope change change bla bla fucking bla". I've got a great idea. How about telling the people about some oh I dont know, policies? Oh thats right. The masses are so fucking in awe of how "good a speaker" he is they dont give a flying rats ass about what he'll actually do if he's elected. Honestly this is a prime example of how fucking moronic the majority of people are.
Fuck that clown. "Hope hope hope hope change change bla bla fucking bla". I've got a great idea. How about telling the people about some oh I dont know, policies? Oh thats right. The masses are so fucking in awe of how "good a speaker" he is they dont give a flying rats ass about what he'll actually do if he's elected. Honestly this is a prime example of how fucking moronic the majority of people are.

At least hes not a fear monger like Clinton with her 3 am phone call adds and McCain talking about the dangerous world we live in.

I like and respect McCain I'm just sick of politicians trying to instill fear to get votes.
Ah crap. They must have took it down.
Hardball Chris Mathews(sp?) asks a Texas State rep who supports Obama about Obama's legislative achievements. He could not answer. He just sat there in complete silence for some time trying to rack his brain to come up with something. They also had a Clinton supporter there and her and Mathews and people in the studio were laughing because this guy couldn't come up with anything. This moron backs a candidate, goes on a national talking head program and doesn't know a thing about who he is supporting or why.
Pretty much like your typical Obama supporter, they can't answer simple questions about his qualifications as to why he should be President of The United States.
Its not all about experience, some people are just natural leaders.
Its not all about experience, some people are just natural leaders.

I tend to agree with you. And just because one is experienced doesnt mean that person will do the right thing

He seems to me to be the most honest of the bunch (both sides), but then again thats really not saying much. I do hope Hillary reveals her tax returns--I think that would be quite interesting to read
I tend to agree with you. And just because one is experienced doesnt mean that person will do the right thing

He seems to me to be the most honest of the bunch (both sides), but then again thats really not saying much. I do hope Hillary reveals her tax returns--I think that would be quite interesting to read

I think his draw is that he hasn't been in politics long enough to sell his soul like the others. Most of these guys start off with god intentions and along the way make deals to move up the ladder.
I think his draw is that he hasn't been in politics long enough to sell his soul like the others. Most of these guys start off with god intentions and along the way make deals to move up the ladder.

But I thought this was the reason for liking Osama bin Barack al-Husseini so much:

Sen. Joseph Biden: “I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that’s a storybook, man.”

Don't forget, our buddy Barak al-Husseini ibn Obama' got his start in Shy-town.

You don't get yer political feet wet in that town without leavin some mud between the toes!

That scum Tony Rezko--who seems to make Jack Abramoff look like a misguided schoolboy except that the papers dare not make comparisons--hung his flabby arms around more than just Hitlery Rotten's neck in various photo shoots.

Its said he was a "neighbour" of that Foin Oirish Lad, Barry O'Bama, and sold him some highly desireable abutting property for an extremely bargain basement price.

(Huh, kind of reminds me the time Bill Clinton was describing Charlie Trie as the owner of a Chinese restaurant where he would "stop and pick up dinner for Hillary and Chelsea on the way home from the capitol." He failed to mention the bulging bags marked with black $ signs Trie tucked next to the Moo Goo Gai Pan!)

This Rezko shit's the only thing we really know about the cleanest black man ever to slink out of Gangland, I mean, Chicago. His politics? Nothing. His goals? Nada. Rezko and filthy luker? Cha-Ching!

I'd hate to see what other skeletons are cluttering Barry's closets, but in classic mafia fashion, I'm sure more than a few fingers are broken or missing!!!!
