Obituary - Cause Of Death


Let The Metal Flow
Sep 5, 2006
As far as Death Metal as a genre goes, Obituary are one of the greats, and as far as Obituary goes, Cause of Death is one of thier best CDs, if not thier best.

I have listened, at great length, to Obituary's entire discography, and although it is very hard to fault any of thier work, it is equally hard to pick a favourite track or album out of so many classics. But the reason I believe this fits the bill is because each and every song is as powerful as the last.

The vocals come across excellently, good, pure, harsh, deep gutterals which fit in against the backdrop of the beefy guitars and skilled drumming.

As this is a review and not a history lesson, I don't feel the need to talk about individuals in the band or thier past releases to any great extent, but suffice to say, if you are a Obituary fan or a fan of old school Death metal, This album is a must.

Also, incase you are wondering why I haven't listed a favourite, or stand out track, it is because it is impossible to pick out of so many classics, I will leave that to you.
Chopped in Haaaaaaahhhhhhhllllllllllffffffffff
Feel the blood spill from your Moooouuuuuuuuutthhhhh

Classic album. I used to have a giant poster of the cover right above my bed when I was a kid.

:headbang: :devil:
This is a classic. And seldom has a cover song fit so seemlessly on an album as "Circle..." does here. Strangely, when this first came out, I didn't even own a CD player yet and had it on cassete - I always thought the drums unfortunately sounded like they were recorded under a blanket...but I still loved it. Picked up the CD years later and the drums come out crisp and powerful. Thank fuck for technology!!
Satanstoenail said:
Chopped in Haaaaaaahhhhhhhllllllllllffffffffff
Feel the blood spill from your Moooouuuuuuuuutthhhhh

Classic album. I used to have a giant poster of the cover right above my bed when I was a kid.

:headbang: :devil:

Such a cool album cover, I think I have the poster about somewhere...