Obituary Tour Kickoff


Nov 19, 2004
FYI - Link and short review of show from JAXXROXX Sept 1st. Pages/show090105-Obituary.htm

ZOD and I saw the 2nd show of the tour on Friday night. Not really his cup of tea; but Obituary absolutely killed. They sounded phenom! I had not seen them nor Napalm Death in about a decade. Napalm to me and a friend who attended the Jaxx show was dissapointing. They played lots of early material and some newer stuff @ about 100,000rpm. Just too much for my tastes. I prefer Harmony Corruption which while it did have fast blast parts was a bit more groovy DM style than the early and latest more GRIND/PUNK influenced material.

Anyway - Obituary killed and if you've never seen them live you owe it to yourself to check em out.
Man, last time I saw Obituary was on the World Demise tour in 94, they opned for Napalm Death on the Fear, Emptiness, Despair tour, awesome show!! Some unknown group named Machine Head opened for them. :Smug:

And I will go on record as saying that night for their 5 song set off of the freshly released Burn My Eyes, Machine Head owned that fucking crowd. People went apeshit.
i am really going to try to make the show tomorrow in NYC ... really want to see Obituary ... last saw them on the Cause of Death tour ( i believe they opened for Sepultura) ... and never saw Napalm Death.

that sound they have ... that fat fucking groove ... just totally rules live!!! :kickass:
Yeah, not my cup of team. Napalm was entertaining, if for no other reason than their singer is the most spastic person I've ever seen perform in my life. Obituary was solid. I like their faster stuff. The slower, more plodding tracks do little for me. That said, they did sound tight and the sound was clear, albeit a bit loud for the venue size.

I was surprised at how big the crowd was. I'd put it at somewhere near 800. That's pretty good for a Florida Death Metal band from the 80s.

i like that about them too ... the fast parts ... and they can switch gears from slow to fast and vice versa most seamlesly of any band I ever heard ...
I liked Obituary. Even their later stuff was OK, but Cause of Death. Man oh man that's some good stuff.

Autopsy, Asphyx and Obit own slow death metal.
holy tits ... just got back from BB Kings ... good thing I went on time ... Napalm opened for Obituary (thought it was the other way around)

diciple was right ... Obituary should all kneel down and felate the sound engineer that is traveling with them. I have never heard such brutal and at the same time clear soudn in my life ... it was literally moving the necks of people who did not even look like remote fans ... holy shit ... dare I say they sounded better than on CD !!!
The crowd was totally into them and they fed off of it ... John Tardy is like the Death Metal Sammy Hagar ... don't ask ... this is the impression I have of him

big ass NY crowd too for a Tuesday ... must have been some 1500 people there, lots of girls too ... Mexican girls dancing to Napalm Death like they were JLo ... good vibe at this gig :kickass:

all of you that remotely call yourselves Death Metal fans have to check this tour out when it hits your town ... just fucking great!

Pics to follow after I eat me pizza :loco:





AWESOME - Thx for posting the PICS!! Makes me want to hit another show!!! Now where might they be playing even remotely close to us here......Philly show? I think that past too..