

Jun 1, 2002
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I'm sure most of you already know that Obituary is back and they have a new album coming out soon. I always was a huge fan of Obituary just like Testament and would die to see these two bands tour together some day. I sent the following message to John Tardy (vocalist) of Obituary and he sent me the following reply. I'll keep my fingers crossed and hope it really happens in the near future because both bands are killer!

Message: [font=verdana, helvetica, arial][size=-1]Any chance of Obituary hooking up with Testament for the next north american tour. I know both bands performed together in New Jersey not too long ago and both bands have new albums coming out soon. So I think it would be a killer tour and would love to see it happen. Any chance of this happening John?[/size][/font]

John Tardy's reply: [font=verdana, helvetica, arial][size=-1]The guys in Testament are really cool and I think it could work. We spoke with them in New Jersey about maybe doing some shows so we will see. We are really wrap up in writing right now but we are getting close to start working out touring details. Thanks for the message!

hey man that's neat! i pretty much did the same thing when i noticed that John himself was answering the fans!

So i asked him what he thought about SADUS and the S.O.S. bill that happened back in the days and his words were enthusiastic! Maybe there's a chance we can achieve some amazing tour sooner or later - TESTAMENT could take SEPULTURA's place in that bill... the only one thing would be Stevie D's double duties... :S

anyhow keep thrashing!
That`d be killer tour, especially if reaches EU including Poland!

Recently I interviewed Frank Watkins, I`ll post this here just as soon as the Polish metal magazine Pure Metal comes out.
Imagine during the Benetah... days, Sepul and Obituary ripping guts. That was the shit, and that shit will probably never happen again.
Fuck if they syntherize and trigg the new record. The greatest bands seems to destroy the great potential that they have. Dont fuck it up!