

the Raven
Nov 15, 2007
Edmonton, AB
Ok, so, this thread is pretty straight forward. I just want to know more about the people who visit this forum! Now, I've seen some really, really cool stuff, from an Amon Amarth cake :)kickass:) to AA tattoos (I wish I had the guts!). I want to hear everyone's contribution to their own AA obsession!

I'll admit I have pics of myself/the band in frames on my wall from when I saw 'em in concert (c'mon, don't judge me...) and clippings from magazines about AA with them. I listen to a lot of other bands, but my friends usually get pissed off when I sneak in a comment about AA (which I always manage to!).

I also decided to add: I got their set list from the Vancouver concert, but it's pretty destroyed from Johan's feet. Still keeping it though!

THERE I FEEL BETTER. Now tell me how weird you are--I mean, interesting...
Hmmm. Well I totally got really into them after I met them. I had every members sign like 24874897 things, and take pictures with em all. And even talked to Fredrik for like an hour before the show, asked him if he could give me one of his sticks. And low and behold at the end of the show he found me in the front cheering and gave me and a buddy his sticks. Even got two picks, one from Olavi and another from Ted. Very cool down to earth guys. I got all their pictures printed out on photo paper hanging with all the goodies i got from the show. They truly are my favorite band EVER!!!! :kickass: thank you :worship:Amon Amarth:kickass::kickass:
Hmmm. Well I totally got really into them after I met them. I had every members sign like 24874897 things, and take pictures with em all. And even talked to Fredrik for like an hour before the show, asked him if he could give me one of his sticks. And low and behold at the end of the show he found me in the front cheering and gave me and a buddy his sticks. Even got two picks, one from Olavi and another from Ted. Very cool down to earth guys. I got all their pictures printed out on photo paper hanging with all the goodies i got from the show. They truly are my favorite band EVER!!!! :kickass: thank you :worship:Amon Amarth:kickass::kickass:

That is so awesome!!! Your story is so cool!!! :kickass::kickass::kickass:
Started listening to them more than a year ago, saw them a month later, met Johan H. and presented myself in swedish but he had to correct my pronounciation -was fun lol- started to paint a big painting about Hermod's ride to Hel and hoped to offer them in person, wich i did this summer, i traveled an ocean to see them at Graspop Metal Meeting and give them, i got to see their face when they saw it and it was priceless! bought a few stuff there and i got their setlist of Graspop.. thats my story :)
Started listening to them more than a year ago, saw them a month later, met Johan H. and presented myself in swedish but he had to correct my pronounciation -was fun lol- started to paint a big painting about Hermod's ride to Hel and hoped to offer them in person, wich i did this summer, i traveled an ocean to see them at Graspop Metal Meeting and give them, i got to see their face when they saw it and it was priceless! bought a few stuff there and i got their setlist of Graspop.. thats my story :)

That is cool!! They must've loved the painting! When I met Johan H, I only got to talk with him for a few moments because of the line up gathering behind me. I have their set list from Vancouver, but it's destroyed from Johan's feet! Lol.
I discovered AA when Versus the World came out and bought all the other albums in a very small amount of time (expect Sorrow Throughout the Nine Worlds which i got a year later or something on Ebay).

And they are one of my favorite bands...

Thats all I can think of. Ok, we're AA fans, but we don't need to be "obsessed" about them. Britney Spears fans are like that. We're metalheads, no need to throw our underwear on stage unless its to joke...

Without wanting to critisize anyone. If i got an AA cake for my birthday (hardly possible because i've grown past having a birthday cake anyway), i'd just chuckle, feel kind of "gay" knowing that my family thinks i'm "obsessed" with a band and shrug it off.
As for tats, sure, thats cool if the design is. But i wouldn't get a tatoo of a band. When we think about it, its like those guys who have Elvis Presley tatooed on their arm... (by the way, its the King's birthday today :p).
I found AA about 3 years ago. Saw Pursuit of Viking on Headbangers Ball...bought Fate of Norns the next day. Within a couple of months I had all their CDs. Finally got to see a show (divorced the nazi that telling me I needed to grow up and quit listening to metal). I enjoyed almost every second of it. Except when I went to meet them when they were signing..Johan H. Asked if I wanted a poster...most I could get out was Yes please. (My friends still laugh at me, because I am normally the life of the party...hehe I'm the loud one.) Set was awesome! As the show ended and the roadie's came out I screamed at Steve and pointed...he got me and handed over the set list (weehaw!) I bought a shitload of gear...then waited out back (saw a fight)...I got John H and Johan S to sign my set list before I had to leave. The best part of standing outside and waiting was this little kid (about 6) was freezing, shivering but waiting with the rest of us. (With his dad of course). When Hegg came out and saw the kid...he dropped his stuff on the bus...then came back with a marker to sign the poster. Watching this kids eyes light up was beautiful. Him and Hegg stood there talking for a few minutes. Johan didn't even look at another soul until that him and the kid was done talking. You could tell, from his smile (the glowing cheeks and light up eyes) it made that kid's year! I've seen a number of concerts over my years...but rarely do you a band memeber who is signing who spends that much time with an adoring fan. (hahah they save that for the groupies, jk).
My set list and poster are on a bedroom wall, as with all my other concert posters. My "With Oden on Our Side" flag hangs above my bed. My hoodie rarely comes off. My best friend bought me "Wrath of Norseman" dvd for Xmas...which I have fallen asleep watching a few times (in my defense I have the most comfortable chair in the world).
That car is fucking awesome.

Unfortunately I don't have much, I've only been listening to metal for a year, good metal for half a year, and Amon Amarth for about 2 months.

Have a few posters up that came free with the With Oden on our Side CD from VictoriousMerch, and I wear my Viking Horde t-shirt whenever it's not in the wash :p
I discovered AA when Versus the World came out and bought all the other albums in a very small amount of time (expect Sorrow Throughout the Nine Worlds which i got a year later or something on Ebay).

And they are one of my favorite bands...

Thats all I can think of. Ok, we're AA fans, but we don't need to be "obsessed" about them. Britney Spears fans are like that. We're metalheads, no need to throw our underwear on stage unless its to joke...

Without wanting to critisize anyone. If i got an AA cake for my birthday (hardly possible because i've grown past having a birthday cake anyway), i'd just chuckle, feel kind of "gay" knowing that my family thinks i'm "obsessed" with a band and shrug it off.
As for tats, sure, thats cool if the design is. But i wouldn't get a tatoo of a band. When we think about it, its like those guys who have Elvis Presley tatooed on their arm... (by the way, its the King's birthday today :p).

Myself, I think it's perfectly alright to be obsessed with a band, no matter what genre it is. Metal, pop, jazz, classical... Why aren't metalheads allowed to obsess? I think that fuels the stereotype that metalheads take themselves too seriously. But I respect your opinion! I made this thread for fun, since AA happens to be my favorite band, and I just like to meet like-minded people out there.
I found AA about 3 years ago. Saw Pursuit of Viking on Headbangers Ball...bought Fate of Norns the next day. Within a couple of months I had all their CDs. Finally got to see a show (divorced the nazi that telling me I needed to grow up and quit listening to metal). I enjoyed almost every second of it. Except when I went to meet them when they were signing..Johan H. Asked if I wanted a poster...most I could get out was Yes please. (My friends still laugh at me, because I am normally the life of the party...hehe I'm the loud one.) Set was awesome! As the show ended and the roadie's came out I screamed at Steve and pointed...he got me and handed over the set list (weehaw!) I bought a shitload of gear...then waited out back (saw a fight)...I got John H and Johan S to sign my set list before I had to leave. The best part of standing outside and waiting was this little kid (about 6) was freezing, shivering but waiting with the rest of us. (With his dad of course). When Hegg came out and saw the kid...he dropped his stuff on the bus...then came back with a marker to sign the poster. Watching this kids eyes light up was beautiful. Him and Hegg stood there talking for a few minutes. Johan didn't even look at another soul until that him and the kid was done talking. You could tell, from his smile (the glowing cheeks and light up eyes) it made that kid's year! I've seen a number of concerts over my years...but rarely do you a band memeber who is signing who spends that much time with an adoring fan. (hahah they save that for the groupies, jk).
My set list and poster are on a bedroom wall, as with all my other concert posters. My "With Oden on Our Side" flag hangs above my bed. My hoodie rarely comes off. My best friend bought me "Wrath of Norseman" dvd for Xmas...which I have fallen asleep watching a few times (in my defense I have the most comfortable chair in the world).

Right on!! That's so awesome! :kickass:
Myself, I think it's perfectly alright to be obsessed with a band, no matter what genre it is. Metal, pop, jazz, classical... Why aren't metalheads allowed to obsess? I think that fuels the stereotype that metalheads take themselves too seriously. But I respect your opinion! I made this thread for fun, since AA happens to be my favorite band, and I just like to meet like-minded people out there.

Well, I'm not an obsessed fan because i take myself too seriously (i know thats not what you meant but i'm still saying.. ). Its just that for me, people in metal bands aren't super stars. And even celebrities, if i see one walking down the street i wouldn't give much of a fuck. i'd probably just go "hey! thats Brad Pitt" and go on with whatever I was doing.
So yeah, for me, a metal band that i appreciate is just awesome music and occasional kick ass gigs. i'd love to meet AA because they seem like very cool guys and I'd like to share with them my appreciation for their work. But thats as far as it gets for me.
I associate people who yell like pussies to their idols as premature adolescants. I'm not saying that for you or anyone here. metal fans are still far from being as "gay" as pop-star fans, but its still in the same vein. these musicians are just human beings. The band may be awesome, anyone could have a best friend who plays just as well and had the circumstances been favorable they could have been in a band as famous themselves.

I just want to repeat that i'm not critisizing anyone here. I'm just saying how I feel about it, explaining why to the question "obsessed?" my answer is "no" (although i have all their albums and DVD, saw them 5 times live and know the lyrics by heart for a good number of songs).
OK, so here is my story, but it might sound a bit silly. Anyways:
Havent met em yet which i regret horribly...

But when I first heard the song "Arson", I almost lost my mind. I remember it like it was only yesterday... It was like I was there, in the middle of that battle (and still feels like that every time I hear that song again), and I started screaming around like "What happened then??? Go ahead, go ahead! Keep telling! What happened then???" and almost got a heart attack at the part with the oath (before that interlude, which made me go insane because i wanted to know what happened next) and almost started crying at the end.

The crying came then when I first heard "Fate of Norns". That is the most dramatic and saddest, thrilling story I ever heard, and it is told so very touching... well yeah like you really were there, right inside it, and not in front of your stereo.

And about most of the other songs: That is the very best musical version of the Edda (which I adore) I ever found.

And all that is left to say for me: Amon Amarth are the best storytellers ever!!

I humbly bow to that work and I am curious about what is to come.

:headbang: :worship:
I'm somewhat obsessed with their music, but not so much the band themselves. I'm sure the guys are all great people to hang out with and all, and I wouldn't mind tipping a few back with them, but the music, well, that's the magic right there.
Since 2001 I've seen AA live approx. 20 times in probably 15 different cities and 4 different countries. Am I obsessed? No, I just like banging to their music, hanging out with the guys & others, watch the band grow and most of all travel.

........... Its just that for me, people in metal bands aren't super stars. And even celebrities, if i see one walking down the street i wouldn't give much of a fuck. i'd probably just go "hey! thats Brad Pitt" and go on with whatever I was doing.
So yeah, for me, a metal band that i appreciate is just awesome music and occasional kick ass gigs. i'd love to meet AA because they seem like very cool guys and I'd like to share with them my appreciation for their work. But thats as far as it gets for me.
I associate people who yell like pussies to their idols as premature adolescants.
Tomasz, i wasn't saying all that for you. Of all people here, you, Belgar, Tyra and other "older" AA fans who actually know them personally (or not), are the last people i'd call obsessed (that is if by "obsessed" we mean total nerd-fans). The fact that you got to see them many times doesn't make you obsessed indeed. I saw them every time I had the opportunity cause I know i'll have a good time. But some people seem to think of AA or of other bands as gods and superstars.. and I wasn't refering to you guys at all when saying that.

and for the others, don't think i'm refering to you either. i was just saying. sorry if i ruined the thread haha.
I think we are maybe using the wrong words here. I am in no way "obsessed" with AA....would I show up at Johan H or Olavi's doorstep @ 3am drunk and demand they play Death in Fire for me...not very likely. Would I send "scary" fan mail to Ted or Johan demanding nudes....no. Would I sneak into one of the bands house and try and steal their underwear...naaa.
I am, however passionate about Metal and AA :headbang::kickass::headbang:
(I am a passionate person in general). Will I see as many AA shows as I can, yes. Will I always buy gear @ the shows...most likely. Do that make me obsessed? No...it makes me a passionate fan. Which is what I am hearing from most of the fans in this thread. It's really ok to feel strongly about something you enjoy.
Obsession is probably not a good thing. I think the band members would like to keep their underwear and toothbrushes. :lol:
I just wanted a thread for fun. Apparently I shouldn't use general terms, such as obsessed. I didn't think it was going to be picked apart, and I also didn't mean for it to turn into something so negative. I'll just keep my thoughts to myself.