

Skugglika Skapelse
Nov 21, 2002
Toronto, Canada
ohmygod, i'm absolutely obsessed with A Dialogue With The Stars!!! i just randomly had it in my head the other day and i can't even begin to count the number of times i've listened to it in the past 48 hours. such an awesome song!! ...especially the part where he sings "enchants me with their ODD-I-TYYY!!!!" and "the tempest of the UN-I-VERSE!!!!"

hehee :headbang: yeah i just felt the need to state this. i made some of my friends listen to it and none of them can understand what i'm raving about(sadly enough they're not metalheads at all)... they laughed at it, actually :(
but I can understand :)
And it's exactly those parts you mentioned I just can't help to crank up the volume for full listening experience :headbang: (...and to annoy my neighbours actually, yeah! :D )
I'm actually heading for the rehearsal room in an hour or so, and we're going to practice that song among others......

mr V
aaaahhh i don't think i'll EVER get to see that live! :cry:i'm in canada... bwaaaa! maybe you guys should get the webmaster or someone to film you rehearsing, that would be kinda cool /forum/images/smilies/smile.gif
p.s. played that song on my radio show the other night hehe... yeeeessss i'm brainwashing others with it too