Obvious Jesus Music


Up The World
Nov 24, 2001
I want to know what other (casual, and/or truly devoted) fans think about the tracks Light and Space and The Whispering.
I think it's less obvious than a Neal Morse cd...

I consider myself cassual devoted, taking the wise lessons from religion and disregarding the rest... My personal views of life are more of a zen-budist/humanist nature.

I doubt that Light and space is about christian religion, i think it's theme is faith.

As for the whispering i would say it's about making choices. The background may be judgementday, but the reason for the coming of judgementday has been the choices we made. Such as blindly following a leader, instead of making our own choices.

Both are strong songs and even if their is a bit of a religious theme to it, i would not consider them gospel.
But even if they were, they both rock...