
Personal experiences, interests, info, para-normal things and so on...
strange you should mention this, i've taken a really big interest in wicca and stuff in the last few months.

para-normal activities: well, there are a couple of things that have happened to me lately. the first was just too coindicental to be a coincidence (to my mind). i was having trouble with something i wanted to do; it involved a girl i know. i wasn't sure whethere or not i should tell her how i felt, because we had a long and complicated history involving me loving her and her not wanting anything more than friendship. i can remember one night/morning when i was looking into the mirror asking myself this question of "should i, shouldn't i?" when i looked at the relfection of the digital clock in the mirror. the clock said 2:34, except in the mirror this spelt "Yes". so i took the chance and told her. okay, she didn't feel the way i wanted her to, but i think it helped us. i wasn't pretending with her anymore, which was good.

Then there is something thats happening with one of my other friends, and this is enough to make me *know*. she's a wicca and lives in a house that is haunted. theres a spirit there that growls at her and stuff. she tried to exorcise it, and she had it trapped under a pentagram in a bowl of water. then her mum destroyed her altar and let the thing out. next morning she woke up with scrathes on her wrists from the spirit. whats even stranger is that i *knew* this had/would happen before anyone told me, but i don't know how. i haven't had anymore news form her about the situation with the spirit. she planned to confront it, and that was on saturday. not heard anything since....

As for info about wicca, theres too much to go into here. i know quite a lot, but not enough. i plan to learn more.
and one final word. don't dismiss wicca as heresay, and likewise don't think of it as satan-worshipping. wicca has been around for thousands of years longer than the concept of "satan", so how could it be satanism? find out more about it before you say whether or not it's bollocks. it makes a lot of sense when i think about it. :)
I hope you don't joke...This is a serious subject and I want a serious discussions, not just an imaginative crap... I know a lot abou esoterism and have some personal experiences, but now I don't have time to write. Later!
I was kidding on the first line, but I'm serious about the second.
It's obvious that you won't be focusing on the living here, and it's even more obvious that I have no desire to speak of the dead, which means I'm leaving your thread alone :)
I am very serious about what i said involving wicca. :)

and from what i know, Wicca is all about celebrating life and becoming more attuned to nature, thats how practised wiccas can use magic; by becoming more attuned with nature and the energies behind our existance and reality. We believe in the Goddess and the God and that we all came from them. They are the personification of the higher power/being. The Goddess represents the land and the moon and the rocks etc, while the God is the life force. without the God, there would be no life, but without the Goddess there would be no God, so we believe the Goddess is more improtant. Wiccas live by one simple principle, only 8 words:

If it harms none, do as ye will.

wise words! but you have to remember that also includes not harming yourself. if you can't look after yourself, who will? and how could you look after anyone else? it makes some good points, and it all makes a lot of sense to me, which is one of the reasons why i want to learn so much more about it, and take the first steps to casting and becoming more attuned to nature. :)
Originally posted by metalmancpa
the ultimate occult = religion
Yeah occult is very connected with religions for example do you know about Simon The Sorcerer who was a student of Johan Baptist...some people say that even Jesus was his student too.
I wanna ask you what do you know about Adam Weishaupt and his organisation Illuminati?:confused: