Oceans of Night - download it all now.

Virtual Scott

Allroundniceguy™ and Musical Mastermind.
Apr 12, 2006
Lost Angeles, CA
Howdy folks - Scott from Oceans of Night here - and yeah, we're still promoting our new CD, Domain, but also, I've just updated the website and posted current reviews, interviews, testimonials, news editorials and the like. Not to mention, in anticipation of the SOPA bill making a successful pASS through the hallowed halls of the House of Representatives... putting free downloads up of all of our music over the years. Ok, just kidding on the SOPA thing, though it IS a piece of legislation that folks of all stripes, colors, self-identifying factorials and persuasians should pay attention to.

But yeah, all music = FREE.

Not to say that you can't or shouldn't buy a CD or ten or twenty... as an independent, self-financed musician we greatly appreciate it plus it puts Ramen Noodles on the table. But if you are feeling in the mood for some "new" tunes, go for broke - download it all. Take it all (and my wife)... please!

Quick link here.

Thanks for your time, attendance and consideration!

PS: Sorry, I don't have a wife. ;-)
Holy Shit, dude! To be honest, that is very generous of you, especially as I was quite interested in hearing your Oceans of Night material. However, not to sound like I am bitching or anything, but the link to the fifth track "Divisions of Time" off of your Domain album is broken. It gave me a "404 Error" when I went to try to listen to it. I went and listened to one of your other tracks and I thought is sounded awesome. I really like what you got going here. I'll have to get a copy of your actual CD.

EDIT: About the broken link to "Divisions of Time", I figured out what was wrong that you will need to fix on your end.

There is a misspelling in the URL to the actual .MP3 file. The link you have:


actually needs to be:


You are missing the third 'i' in "divisions" in the song track name.

When I manually typed-in/fixed the link in my browser, it properly found the track and let me listen or download it.

You might also want to double-check the link to the first track, "Domain", as well.

ANOTHER EDIT: Okay, another boo-boo that I found:

For the album Inferno, track #7, "Engines of Industry", actually links back to track #6 "Exile". I figured I'd try to type in the URL to "Engines of Industry" manually, but got a "404 Error". Sounds like you either have a duplicate track or flat-out missing a track and linking to the same track for two different tracks.

But again, I just want to re-iterate that I am simply pointing out some broken links that should be fixed - no way that I am complaining about anything. I've went and listened to several of these tracks and I am pretty damned amazed at what you got here. Sounds really good. I will have to pick up an actual CD copy of that Domain album.
I spent a few hours with the Domain album yesterday and found it very enjoyable. There's a solid Fates Warning backbone and the ambient/atmospheric elements let it "sink in" almost from the start.

And hey, the price is right.
Thanks dudes. The link(s) are/is fixed. I posted the review Justin, thanks man.

SkiBum - thanks for the heads up. I had just changed servers and apparently, some of the links went bust. I appreciate the attention you paid and the warning. I think you'll enjoy the CD versions even more... ;-)
Kudos on the tunes. Love the nice mix of atmospherics along with the crunch....great headphone music! I am hoping the CD is not as "hot" as the mp3's....some of them sound a bit distorted...

If I were to get picky, I would say that the mixes are a bit guitar heavy and could use a tad more bottom end punch to the bass/drums...however that might be my old age ears, too. Overall, excellent work!
SkiBum - thanks for the heads up. I had just changed servers and apparently, some of the links went bust. I appreciate the attention you paid and the warning. I think you'll enjoy the CD versions even more... ;-)

No problem! I am a software engineer, so this is the kind of stuff I deal with everyday. :cool:

I went and checked it out again and the "Divisions of Time" and "Engines of Industry" tracks now work and look/sound correct. :kickass:

However, I do have one question. I notice the link to the first track (the title track) of your Domain album looked funny. It links to a low-res "sample" track:

http://www.oceansofnight.com/music/domain/samples/Domain (sample).mp3

However, thinking that didn't look right, I went and manually typed in a URL that followed the pattern of the other URLs for that album and found what I think was what you intended to have up there, the link to the "full" track:

(URL deleted)

You may want to double-check that and fix it if that was what you intended. Sorry to be such a PITA, but, like I said, I am a software engineer and can be real anal about such details.

Overall, I really like your music and it is much appreciated what you did here.
Kudos on the tunes. Love the nice mix of atmospherics along with the crunch....great headphone music! I am hoping the CD is not as "hot" as the mp3's....some of them sound a bit distorted...

I had to take my car in this morning as a "check engine" light was coming on - turned out to be a bad throttle body/assembly. Another $525 to get that fixed :heh:

Anyway, while waiting to get my car fixed, I was listening to some of Scott's music that I got here on my iPod with a decent pair of Klipsch headphones. You are right that this music really is great headphone music.

If I were to get picky, I would say that the mixes are a bit guitar heavy and could use a tad more bottom end punch to the bass/drums...however that might be my old age ears, too. Overall, excellent work!

I actually have to agree with this as well as the "distortion" comment quoted farther up. That first track on The Shadowheart Mirror came a bit on the compressed/distorted side to my ears. Still, overall, I really like this. I think Domain is really an excellent album and plan on getting a copy on CD. But hey! I can't complain to much about some free tunes here, though. :) Still wanted to give some feedback, especially to the artist, in hopes that maybe future mixes could be cleaned up/made better.
Kudos on the tunes. Love the nice mix of atmospherics along with the crunch....great headphone music! I am hoping the CD is not as "hot" as the mp3's....some of them sound a bit distorted... If I were to get picky, I would say that the mixes are a bit guitar heavy and could use a tad more bottom end punch to the bass/drums...however that might be my old age ears, too. Overall, excellent work!

Thanks bro. It's a complicated process - the mix, that is. Often it's a battle of wits - those who want certain things louder than other, or more prominent in the overall mix. Being the songs are so synyth/keyboard heavy, I personally like to bring up the guitar (especially since a 7-string guitar - to my ears - sounds great mixed in with synth-based ambient prog metal.) To wit it's definitely a matter of taste, and I could see your point. We actually HAD that exact discussion, too... :)
We had some production/sound issues on THE SHADOWHEART MIRROR, some was my fault! That said, I tried to make sure we (myself and Joey Vera) brought out more of an even sonic balance with DOMAIN. I think the low(er) res MP3's might be a bit more sonically compressed (well yeah, mp3's are compressed audio files, but i think these are still 192 samples.) The DOMAIN song sample itself is meant to link to the "radio edit" (sample) instead of the main tune for 3 reasons: 1. to entice folks to get the REAL version on the CD, 2. iTunes won't allow download of individual songs over 10 minutes and 3. because the "radio edit" is almost like an entirely "new" song, lol!

I definitely appreciate you cats taking a listen and supporting me, much obliged in advance and all that... thanks! :)
The DOMAIN song sample itself is meant to link to the "radio edit" (sample) instead of the main tune for 3 reasons: 1. to entice folks to get the REAL version on the CD, 2. iTunes won't allow download of individual songs over 10 minutes and 3. because the "radio edit" is almost like an entirely "new" song, lol!

Okay, so that was intended. Out of respect, I went and removed that "direct" link to the track out of my post above.

I definitely appreciate you cats taking a listen and supporting me, much obliged in advance and all that... thanks! :)

No problem - I love it when I can support a musician that puts out the kind of music that I really like and has some obvious talents. I just went and ordered both of the Oceans of Night album, plus your Deep Horizon album off of your website. The MP3 will be convenient for my listening on iPod, such as in the car via my iPod hook-up on my car stereo, but would rather have the CD whenever possible otherwise.
Okay, so that was intended. Out of respect, I went and removed that "direct" link to the track out of my post above. No problem - I love it when I can support a musician that puts out the kind of music that I really like and has some obvious talents. I just went and ordered both of the Oceans of Night album, plus your Deep Horizon album off of your website. The MP3 will be convenient for my listening on iPod, such as in the car via my iPod hook-up on my car stereo, but would rather have the CD whenever possible otherwise.

And for this I am grateful and for that, I owe you a Dr. Pepper (and a few CDs.) Being entirely self-financed and independent, I can honestly say I do appreciate the folks who support my musical - well all of my creative - endeavors. Those who don't I still appreciate, just a little less, haha... ;-)
And for this I am grateful and for that, I owe you a Dr. Pepper (and a few CDs.) Being entirely self-financed and independent, I can honestly say I do appreciate the folks who support my musical - well all of my creative - endeavors. Those who don't I still appreciate, just a little less, haha... ;-)

Well, if you are going to be at ProgPower, I would not mind sharing a drink or two with you. :kickass: