Odale Vato Was Happenin'


Jun 14, 2003
Hey im new to the boards. My name is Christopher Hard (real last name :Smug: ), I'm 17. Live in Texas ....I play many instruments such as_______ to name a few. (i'm well skilled in them all)
piano-8 years,
guitar-5 years,
bass(upright and electric)-3 years,
drum set / drum corps-10 years / 6 years
trumpet,tuba,sax,calrinet,flute, rombone-3 years
berimbau-2 years
djembe-2 years

I enjoy such artists as....Meshuggah, In Flames, Cannibal Corpse, Opthalamia, Borknargar, Zyklon, Burzum, Emperor, Nile, COB :headbang: , Sinergy, Morbid Angel, At The Gates, Opeth, Arch Enemy, Bach, Tchaovisky (sp?) Dave Weckl, Gene Krupa, Buddy Rich, anything Drum Corps Itnl....etc. to many to list---- Love that Jazz!!!!!!!!

I'm currently trying to publish a book of *new* advanced guitar technique's and theories, such as: an 8 finger tap and i'm working on all 10!
Spinaltourniquet said:
I play many more, it's just that they all basically imply the same techniques, so it's pointless to list. :D


how did you learn them all? it must have been expensive to have lessons :ill:
actually yes i did learn them all on my own........ you just look at the technique of your favorite artists/ composers and use the best parts of all their techniques to set a model for. And the only lessons i have ever taken have been piano, when i was 5 and that was for only a month ............. everything else i have learned on my own with help of band instructors at my school....and the head of the local state univerities band program........so it's all free.