Odd Question - Has David Chastain ever been at ProgPower?

Mr Toast

Aug 1, 2002
Seeing David T. Chastain lives in the area (Georgia), has he ever been to ProgPower? I know he doesn't like to tour these days, but he'd make an interesting guest if nothing else...

And yes, I'm very much looking forward to the new Chastain album. Hopefully it will be released by the end of the year!

His website (for those who might be interested in seeing what he is up to these days):

only 25 days until Progpower!!!
Mr Toast said:
Seeing David T. Chastain lives in the area (Georgia), has he ever been to ProgPower? I know he doesn't like to tour these days, but he'd make an interesting guest if nothing else...

I've actually wondered the same thing myself; I've never personally seen him there, but you never know.

I'm surprised he doesn't have a Leviathan booth at the show...