Oden or Odin?


Destination Chaos
Aug 6, 2005
Melbourne, Australia.
What is the correct spelling of it?
I have seen it spelt both ways, personally I think it's spelt Oden.
Anyone agree with me or can anyone prove me wrong?
I see it spelled "Odin" more often, so Odin it is.
All of those names are the correct spelling, take your pick. Some are from older Scandinavian tongues, some are more modern versions, and others are other Germanic versions of the same name. You have to take into consideration that all Germanic peoples (Norwegians, Danish, Swedish, Icelandic, Faroese, Germans, Austrians, Dutch, English, etc.) basically worshipped the same deities but their names were in different forms. In addition Odin also has a shit load of kennings: http://www.angelfire.com/on/Wodensharrow/odennamn2.html