Odin's Court forum.... these people are idiots

Grundig Avkom

Son of the Aesir
Apr 24, 2007
wow is it just me or do these people seem like idiots???? heh some retard tried to tell me that the spelling ODEN is wrong.... damn tard
lol their music has nothing to do with the name of their fucking band... bunh of dumbasses look like a bunch of rejects trying to be metal if you ask me... and when asked if he even knew anything about Norse Paganism.. all he could say is that " Odin is the supreme god " ..... everyone and their mother knows this.... and then the fuck tried to tell ME how to spell Oden when he doesnt know how to spell Valhall ... fuckin tard
Heh Valhalla is right as well ... or Quorthon did not know what he was talking about.
Second, any band that can be good enough to play a metal version of Beethoven is ok with me, regardless of how they look or dress or what their band name is.
Maybe, you are the one with the quick judgment issue. From reading your posts in this thread and their forum, it seems like it. Childish at best.
heh no i just think if they are going to use Oden in their band name atleast their music should reflect it besides im always up for a debate lol ..... sometimes i just like pissing people off just to argue.. although him trying to tell me that i spelled Oden was wrong pissed me off
^I seriously hope you are joking.

Valhall is the more correct english translation of Valhöll, but Vallhalla is more widely used and recognized, despite the fact that its technically a less accurate translation.
Whence cometh the English idea of "Valhöll" being an ON word? Just wondering, because if enough people say it's so, sometimes it is so. I would like to see a (valid) reference. I myself know of no Nordic language where Valhöll is or was correct (but then I have not read all books) whereas Valhall is in the current Scandihoovian languages that I speak, as well as ON, and Valhalla is the English version thereof. However, I myself do not feel the need to get in a pissing match over who speaks the better version of ON to validate some musical groups' lyric-writing abiliteis... If some dude can't find anything to pick on you about, and therefore decides he can't stand that you write Oden's name in Swedish, just copy and paste something from a reputable source that proves your point in the shoutbox. Oden was Odin to our ON ancestors (even in Sweden), but in many countries the faith died out, and so they are unaware that it did not in Sweden, and that as the language has evloved, so did the names of the Gods and Goddesses. That's why we know his name is Oden, while those that try to reinvent the religion etc do not. That's their ignorance, and it's easy to disprove. Still has nothing to do with how the music sounds. Kind of a funny comment to make if you listen to "Amon Amarth", anyhow. You do know the meaning of that, and how much it has to do with the old culture, right?
Division has played many shows with OC.... and I even had the opportunity fill in for their drummer, John, for a gig, so I got to rehearse with them.

They're not idiots, they're all pretty f'n smart. And the nicest bunch of guys.

And for what it's worth, the two least 'metal looking' dudes in that band are pretty young - one 21 and the other younger, i believe - and can fit more talent into one bar of music than many can in years....
lol i am by no means saying they have no talent man... actually they can play pretty damn good from that clip i saw.... but i am not about to have that whack-off tell me that i am misspelling my gods name
hah!!!! yeah you wish.... Johan Hegg would eat Dio for lunch.. and wash him down with a full horn of mead lol
Yeah, dude, I've seen my brother eat lots of times, and I can tell you from experience, he's a bottomless pit with a hollow leg. Especially if it's either beer or ice cream. I am pretty sure he prefers to "eat" women over Dio, though. :oops:
Whence cometh the English idea of "Valhöll" being an ON word? Just wondering, because if enough people say it's so, sometimes it is so. I would like to see a (valid) reference. I myself know of no Nordic language where Valhöll is or was correct (but then I have not read all books) whereas Valhall is in the current Scandihoovian languages that I speak, as well as ON, and Valhalla is the English version thereof. However, I myself do not feel the need to get in a pissing match over who speaks the better version of ON to validate some musical groups' lyric-writing abiliteis... If some dude can't find anything to pick on you about, and therefore decides he can't stand that you write Oden's name in Swedish, just copy and paste something from a reputable source that proves your point in the shoutbox. Oden was Odin to our ON ancestors (even in Sweden), but in many countries the faith died out, and so they are unaware that it did not in Sweden, and that as the language has evloved, so did the names of the Gods and Goddesses. That's why we know his name is Oden, while those that try to reinvent the religion etc do not. That's their ignorance, and it's easy to disprove. Still has nothing to do with how the music sounds. Kind of a funny comment to make if you listen to "Amon Amarth", anyhow. You do know the meaning of that, and how much it has to do with the old culture, right?

Yes Tyra... you seem to be pretty knowledgable... do you study history quite a bit???
yes we have this small neglected topic called 'Viking mythology... and all that goes with it" you should try browsing that someday