Of Mice and Men kick

Good question. I dont see why not. The sample META has a bunch of kicks from bands. If its an issue hopefully and Admin takes it down.
Sounds different than the standard Kick 10 on Joey's stuff. Any idea which kick it is?
And people on here always rip samples from songs that contain commercial samples and post them, and it's never been an issue.
"that one guy" posted a free kick which he mixed nightmare kick, some other kick and he claimed to have mixed kick 10 with it, but then said that he mimicked the kick and it wasn't the actuall kick 10, or something like that.
I believe it was Kick8 right?
I don't think this is legal...isn't it technically ripping a small section of a copyright recording and using it yourself?I may be wrong.

Yes, but we have a whole sticky of drum samples where people rip them from records and all has been fine. Lol
And it's just a single hit, so you probably wont be using it by itself for a production anytime soon.