Off Topic: Hank Aaron Homerun King


May 28, 2010
Twin Falls, ID
So, I was reading Bill Simmons' Mailbag column, and there was a great idea there. Hank Aaron is 77 years old, and has 7 fewer career homeruns than Barry Bonds. Couldn't some team that has zero chance of doing anything, say the Baltimore Orioles, sign his as a DH until he hits 8 homers? Come on Scooter, wouldn't you buy tickets to Orioles games to watch Aaron regain his record? This could work.
No, In my eyes Hank IS the record holder. Bonds is a cheater.
Maybe he could join a team in ID? Oh, wait a minute. That state doesn't have shit.
No, In my eyes Hank IS the record holder. Bonds is a cheater.
Maybe he could join a team in ID? Oh, wait a minute. That state doesn't have shit.

We have potatoes goddamn it. Says so right on our licence plates. :D

But fine, I withdraw my offer to give the Orioles some legitimate publicity and a chance to sell some tickets. I mean, we all know that the Orioles can hang with the Yankees, Red Sox, and Devil Rays. Or not. Actually, I think even Toronto is better than the Orioles, but whatever.

Lets say the Mariners do this. They could just admit straight up it's not about winning the World Series, or even winning a couple more games during the season. Rather, they just want to honor the last legit homerun king by giving him the opportunity to regain his record. They could even have contests for the best Bonds Bashers. Just make it an experience to remember.
We have potatoes goddamn it. Says so right on our licence plates. :D

But fine, I withdraw my offer to give the Orioles some legitimate publicity and a chance to sell some tickets. I mean, we all know that the Orioles can hang with the Yankees, Red Sox, and Devil Rays. Or not. Actually, I think even Toronto is better than the Orioles, but whatever.

Lets say the Mariners do this. They could just admit straight up it's not about winning the World Series, or even winning a couple more games during the season. Rather, they just want to honor the last legit homerun king by giving him the opportunity to regain his record. They could even have contests for the best Bonds Bashers. Just make it an experience to remember.

I really don't care if the O's get publicity. I lost interest in Baseball ever since Cal Jr. retired. I do like Idahoan Mash Potatoes :kickass:
Only sports I keep up with is Ravens football and Nascar. Yeah i'm half redneck :tickled:
Who gives a shit. Hey, why don't you yanks start playing some sport that has international competition instead of your fucking world series shit fought amongst federal states?