Off-topic - Reality TV


Hit man for the Order
Dec 5, 2002
Kent State University
As to not offset my "Metal Confessional booth," I have started a separate thread about Reality TV. What are your thoughts on it? I am not going to attack anyone's personal beliefs, but here is a link for an editorial I wrote about Reality TV for my school paper. The story sums up how I feel about it.

To find the story, scroll down and select the title "Get real - Reality TV has overstayed its welcome"
Great article, well written, and you're right on every point.

You know its bad tv but you can't draw away from it. I don't like shows like Survivor though because to me thats not surviving, I want to see a little "lord of the flies" action happening.. now THATS reality TV!

The worst I think was the "simple life" shows with that skank Paris Hilton..bleack I watched 1 show of it and that was way more than enough. I hate artificial people and USELESS artificial people should be thrown into a volcano.
A friend of mine is an actor out in hollywood and he told me that reality shows are actually taking work away from TV actors, so out of respect from my friend I refuse to watch them (not like I really did watch much of them anyway, but now I will go out of my way to not watch :p).
Reality shows really saved the asses of the tv folks when the actors & writers went on strike, & they had to come up with programming somehow..I can see how it'd be a problem for them now, because they don't need writers or actors.
That "My Big Fat Obnoxious Fiance" was funny though; otherwise, I can't really say I like much of it. My buddy is totally into Survivor though - he even sent in a tape to get on the show - so I'll watch 10 minutes of it to have something to talk about if the show comes up in conversation. I don't get the gist of the program though.
Panem et circenses.
The whole reality TV thing is about to become our circus maximus, 2000 years after people should have become reasonable. Well, voyeurism is an often underestimated drive in man, and these shows are the perfect stimulation for it.
At least, so far no one came to serious damage, as people used to back in the roman days, but maybe this is just a matter of time. So nowadays I'm perfectly ok with reality TV, as long as I'm not forced to watch it. What scares the shit out of me is the success of Big Brother (anyone read 1984? If not, do so and think again about the title of the show) and all the other stuff one gets to see on the screen. I mean people always blame the media for a lot of horrible things happening in the world, but maybe the're just giving us what we want.
Friederich Novotny, former intendant of WDR (german broadcasting network) once said "When the sun of culture is sinking, even dwarves cast long shadows." I think he is quite right about that.
I caught my mom watching American Idol last night, and I flipped out on her, because reality tv is something we both despise. I was like "Oh no they got you too!" I was afraid it would corrupt her mind. Thing is, I started watching and it sucked me in too. It's damn addicting.