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L.D. 50 was great. The End of All Things to Come was good, but it didn't keep me interested long.
I like MudVayne.... well L.D. 50 anyways...

The Bass Player is awesome... the guitar player... eh
when i saw em live the lead singer was real flat, but screams good.. but its not the same as a death growl which is more pleasing to my ears...
i used to like them, but there was something about ld50 that bothered me, even when i was a fan of theirs. i saw them live, and they only got to play 4 songs cause the guitarist's rig or something was fucked up, and wasn't going to being fixed he decided to rock star smash his guitar onto the ground and then into the amp. it was REALLY fucking sweet haha. it wasn't the typical thing the who always did, he really meant this, he was fucking pissed. they played well, and then that just fuckin topped it off haha.