Offer: Album Artwork


I'm not here.
Jan 31, 2007
I've been designing artwork and layouts for about six years now. I've already worked with 5 or 6 forum members and their bands. Prog metal guys tend to like my stuff a lot but I'm willing and actually looking to make artwork for other genres including death metal, rock, stoner metal, alternative etc. My stuff tends to be pretty surreal but I can back that way down if required.

Portfolio here:

PM me if interested

Edit: forgot to mention a few of the works are unused so if something catches your eye let me know you're from this forum and I can cut you a deal on the already-made covers.
nice work man!

the art on your "home" page is amazing! i was just thinking that my logo should be an "S" letter lascirated on the inner/round part of an eye (since my initials are S.O.)

i'm about to begin recording my album and there's a good chance i'll contact you
Nick did our latest EP's artwork and it ended with a great piece. Thanks again man!

just wondering....what kinda money are we talking here?
really nice work man....
thing is, soon i'll need artwork for my upcoming EP, but i definitely can't swing big bucks and go full on pro with it ATM :(