Official Alestorm Music Video

I hate almost everyband that sounds a little bit "folky" but I think Alestorm are really funny.
Really cool to listen to Alestorm while sitting outside with friends, drinking beer and grilling meat.
I love the music, but this video is... terrible. Sorry guys. They all look incredibly bored and the "playing on a boat" scenes just look dumb.

Not to mention that guy is addressing like 5 guys when he should be addressing an entire crew haha.
I dunno, I thought the vid was pretty goddamned impressive actually, I mean unless that was stock footage from somewhere of the ship sailing on the tumultuous seas and stuff, that must've been one hell of a budget to get those shots! And I thought the acting of the extras was pretty good (especially the bitch and "that bastard" as he seems to be known as :lol: ). Not to mention the make-up (or whatever you call it) of all the red marks on his body after being "keelhauled".

I do agree the band looked a bit on the boring side, but rather than them looking bored, I interpret it more as shyness/nervousness - still, NO EXCUSES :D And man, as if the keytar weren't bad enough, the huge ROLAND on his strap utterly destroyed the singer's image :erk: Fantastic lyrics though, man, the dude's got an amazing wit, and the production of course is god-like Lasse! So they have a new guitarist now, I take it? I'd love to hear him try to nail your solos :heh:
Not to mention that guy is addressing like 5 guys when he should be addressing an entire crew haha.

Yeah, that made me chuckle too - if they were short on male actors they should've put the band members in there, and hell even put the chick in drag and keep her out of any direct shots :lol:
I dunno, I thought the vid was pretty goddamned impressive actually, I mean unless that was stock footage from somewhere of the ship sailing on the tumultuous seas and stuff, that must've been one hell of a budget to get those shots! And I thought the acting of the extras was pretty good (especially the bitch and "that bastard" as he seems to be known as :lol: ). Not to mention the make-up (or whatever you call it) of all the red marks on his body after being "keelhauled".

I do agree the band looked a bit on the boring side, but rather than them looking bored, I interpret it more as shyness/nervousness - still, NO EXCUSES :D And man, as if the keytar weren't bad enough, the huge ROLAND on his strap utterly destroyed the singer's image :erk: Fantastic lyrics though, man, the dude's got an amazing wit, and the production of course is god-like Lasse! So they have a new guitarist now, I take it? I'd love to hear him try to nail your solos :heh:

Joe - a dude thats not actually in the band, writes most of the lyrics.

Dani moved from bass to guitars recently, I'd love to see him try to play one of Lasse's solos because to be honest every live video I've seen of him soloing has been hitting random notes and not even sounding remotely in key.

Of course I would say that though as Chris (the singer/keytarist guy) banned me from their forums here on UM cos he thinks I'm a dick. :lol:
Wow, what a prick, and a sore loser! :D And who is this Joe guy? Just some random dude that's the power behind the throne? (such as it is :lol: )
Wow, what a prick, and a sore loser! :D

Haha, not really, I think he just got really tired of me taking the piss out of both the band and the fanbase all the time. Don't blame him, I'm a rather abrasive character, if I do say so myself :p

And who is this Joe guy? Just some random dude that's the power behind the throne?

Nah, he's just a dude the singer (vocalist?) knows who writes the lyrics. Chris writes most of the actual music and is pretty much the most talented member of the band by far.

As far as I'm aware the only member of the band who played an instrument on their new album was Dani (current guitarist, then bassist), Lasse did pretty much all the guitars and some session musician the drums. I think Chris' parts were either midi or some brass band Lasse got in.

So yeah, bit funky when only one member of the band actually plays something on the record :loco:
Wow, what a prick, and a sore loser! :D And who is this Joe guy? Just some random dude that's the power behind the throne? (such as it is :lol: )

Joe is the singer of my True Somalian Pirate Metal band, "Black Males at Midnight", debut EP coming soon!

And pish like this makes me 100% glad i bailed! haha! It was fun till it got serious.
"Captain Morgan's Revenge"s is fucking amazing in my opinion! I really love that stuff Gavin. Me and a close buddy think it's great, while my other friends think we are retards for liking it, but FUCK THEM! I've never heard better drinking songs. \m/

The videoclip is fantastic, but the band looks really boring, and broken cymbals :\\ It looks like they aren't feeling any energy, which is a major downer, rest of the video rules though
What happened to the guy that came in the band, shortly after Gavin left?

With their success, I'd really be looking for a guitarist who is actually able to play the stuff (including the solos). Recent vids I saw weren't flattering...