OFFICIAL "Destroyer of the Universe" Music Video

Was at this gig.

Figured this would be the song for the video so only one I went in pit for.

All the band shots from stage (the ones with greenish light) were done before the show it looks like, crowd shots turned out pretty good but they are all real quick. There was really only one camera I saw during the show and it was the crane type thing over the crowd which most the shots are from. Overall its a lot of splices from before show/various songs throughout the set, but it turned out pretty good and chaotic which is what they were going for.
I'm digging it as it deviated from their previous videos. I hope the next one has more of the footage from the road, personal or something other than live show or orchestrated acting (previous videos). I would imagine it would require a bit of a slower song which that typically doesn't mix well with promo metal song/video. Oh well, wishfull thinking.
Cool video, at first it feels like you're just on your way to the gig when you see the bus rolling in and then the sign at the venue. Then the fast camerawork for a fast paced song, changing the places of the camera from the front to the back and into the middle of the audience and footage captured in different angles makes one feel you're back at an AA concert again.

Fast, all over the place and then it's over, just like beeing at a gig. Nice.
Personally I was hoping for a more movie-ish music video, e.g. Guardians of Asgaard. This is cool, don't get me wrong, but I just hope they get around to making another one that is more in that style :p
Finally a video that shows Amon Amarth to the top quality, professional band that they are. Previous videos have just come across as cheesey to be honest.
Finally a video that shows Amon Amarth to the top quality, professional band that they are. Previous videos have just come across as cheesey to be honest.


I do love their Viking-style vids, don't get me wrong. But this was a refreshing change and was really well done in it's frenetic style. Getting totally amped for the Vancouver show in just over a month. I'd actually burnt out a bit on SR, but now it's back on big time lol.
I'm digging it as it deviated from their previous videos. I hope the next one has more of the footage from the road, personal or something other than live show or orchestrated acting (previous videos). I would imagine it would require a bit of a slower song which that typically doesn't mix well with promo metal song/video. Oh well, wishfull thinking.
Damn Youtube and GEMA....can't watch the vid in Germany -.-

EDIT: watched it somewhere else ^^
Pretty nice I would say, less epic than the "story" vids though ;)