offtopic: Anyone here play on XBOX LIVE?!

^Well, personally, I reckon Halo 2 and 3 play a lot better than the first one. The campaign modes and story aren't quite as great but the multiplayer facets make it that much better. Especially now in Halo 3 with the new features they stuck on it. So many more options to pick from outside of 'shooting shit up'. Hell, I rarely play Halo properly anymore, i'm more interested in seeing all the other things I can do with it.

You can get me talking about this stuff all day, i'm a sucker for the Halo games.
I preordered my copy. Looking forward to playing 2 mins of it before I find I suck too bad and end up looking for cheats. :(
All I have to say is...
I'm counting on Saints Row 2 to deliver some sandbox game goodness when it's released. GTA4 is just too focused on 'reality' and it's just not fun at all. I haven't played it in about a month or so. Some of the multiplayer modes are okay I guess, but I expected far more.

As for the cheats, well I got to the second safe house before I decided "Fuck it" and tried some out. I really suck. :D

So yeah, Saints Row 4 lyfe!!!111oneONE!11273! :kickass:
what do you mean by GTA focusing too much on reality? I've been playing it and don't find it too different from previous editions... save for the fact that the character in GTA4 walks too damn slowly
. GTA4 is just too focused on 'reality' and it's just not fun at all. I haven't played it in about a month or so. Some of the multiplayer modes are okay I guess, but I expected far more.

Yeah I've been hearing a lot of mixed reactions on the new GTA4. If it comes out on PC I'll still get it.
Just heard The Force Unleashed is coming out in every other format except PC:Shedevil: :cry: