Oh great, just great, MORE Chinese toy recalls...


METAL... nuff said!

Apparently there are also still technical issues with the top secret "Chairman Mao" canine wheelchair / flotation combo device....

Initial immersion test (so far, so good, so what):


Seconds later disaster strikes as the dog's head is suddenly and inexplicably thrust underwater:


The dog, although saved, was horribly disfigured. Twenty six surgeries later the animal is practically reconstructed but is able to lead a normal, productive life as a sweat shop guard dog. Notice the loving hands of the dog's six year-old caretaker who also doubles as the factory assembly line supervisor:

Just when I thought it was safe to see some serious stuff here on the forum while bored at Physics class..

LMAO... The seventy-year old professor (Mr. DeLeonardis) just asked me what the heck I was laughing like a little bitch at. I showed it to him and he goes "Hah.. He's about to get his ass grated like a piece of old cheese... Stupid fucking little kids these days...I hope it hurts like hell!"

And then people wonder why I love my classes so much...

Hahahahaha, that looks just like my cat did....he had to wear one of those 'lampshade' collars and it was downright comical to watch him try to eat. (I had to elevate the bowl on a cardboard box.)

The dog, although saved, was horribly disfigured. Twenty six surgeries later the animal is practically reconstructed but is able to lead a normal, productive life as a sweat shop guard dog. Notice the loving hands of the dog's six year-old caretaker who also doubles as the factory assembly line supervisor:


Waitaminute. That's Muffit from Battlestar Galactica. I'd recognize that poor monkey in a suit anytime! :lol: