oh, jake


Aug 21, 2002
Oly, WA
the formatting on a bunch of IW interviews is all messed up. you need more <p> tags so the text is indented properly. I'd fix it myself, but it won't let me log in.
i was noticing that as i was just trying to edit some stuff on the riddle of steel one he just put up; all the lines are touching the border on the left; i'll try fixing it today (the site seems down right now- hope it wasn't me that did that)
(sorry, that sounded really pushy me asking you that now that i look at it)


also: what type of beer should i make next? i'm trying deciding between a cherry stout and a belgian trappist.
I've had shitty shitty luck trying to make belgians for various reasons, but it could just be me doing dumb things. I dunno. I'm not a fan of fruity beers so much, so I'm not excited about the prospect of cherry stout. Right now I think I'm gonna concentrate on my successes: british ales. got a somewhat more hoppy than usual bitter in the carboy now.

my hazelnut brown ale (in the mini keg!) is so fucking good. best beer I've made so far.
i put <p> tags on every line of that bugger. it does indent everything nicely now.

thanks a ton, jake, for getting that up so fast after i took so long getting it to you.
your professionalism makes me look like a b00b, which is not entirely untrue.
avi said:
Right now I think I'm gonna concentrate on my successes: british ales. got a somewhat more hoppy than usual bitter in the carboy now.
i'm not really big on british ales; i more dig the belgians and ultra hoppy pale ales like 3 Floyds' Alpha King (the pale ale i finished a while back is so hoppy the few guys i gave a bottle to could say nothing except 'yow, that's hoppy', but i totally love it). haven't tried a belgian yet, so i'll do a kit. only 3 batches done so far, so i'm still pretty inexperienced.