oh man this is the worst music EVAR. tila tequila hahaha


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
this slut is on my myshitz list because i like to masturbate to her many mostly naked pictures.

but she's like, a... musician as well as a whore, and this shit is TERRIBLE.


hahahahahahahaha holy shit, you gotta hear this song Playgirl Central it's fucking AWFUL. hahaha and at the end it gets that auto-note keyboard treatment bullshit, this is almost as good as YVAN EHT NIOJ.
I think mine would too, but I still haven't bought it back. I sold it to my friend years ago for a 6 pack. He keeps it in his wallet. Ironically, he sold me his social insurance card for an 8 pack. I might be able to do a straight trade for that so I can sell my soul to somebody else.
Judging from your reactions to this music im not going to subject myself to it, I dont feel my soul needs furthur hurting instead i shall continue listening to Pelican :headbang:

Although im liking the look of this...
When i was at school in computers 3 of us decided to get spam sent to this kids email in our class who we hated. He got porn, newsletters you name it sent to his email he didnt know what hit him.

Then for the fun of it we had a war against each other with bogus emails best waste of school time ever, that and the the time we set a gas tap on fire ahh good times... good times