Oh My God!!!!!

Sir Phobos

Apr 10, 2005
Dallas Texas
Man, you will not believe this! I'm having a cigarette on my balcony and this black beemer screams to a stop, a guy jumps out and takes off. It looks more like he was thrown out, that's how fast he was going. He didn't stop running.
The beemer takes off and another car just hauling ass around the corner races in front of the beemer and slams on his brakes. They start screaming at each other. The beemer tries to back up, the other car does the same. They finally get some distance between them and the other car's driver gets out and starts walking toward the beemer. They are still screaming at each other.
At this point, I run out the door with my bat as the driver of the other car starts punching the beemer driver. I get out there and one of my neighbor's is there looking at me and my aluminum slugger like I'm insane but he's just standing there watching the whole thing. I yell at the puncher "my wife has called the police". He looks at me kinda paniced as he realized I'm still coming at him with the bat. :OMG: :rock:

HE RAN LIKE HELL.... :rock: :Smokin:

The beemer driver ( a woman, her child in the back) She is crying, the other guy is looking at me real nervously, I walk back up the stairs to my aprtmnt and notice the guy who ran out of the car puked on his way to his place.. :Puke:

I walk in the door to my wife explaing this to the police the guy in the other car was out of there faster then a bat out of hell :hotjump:

I get to explain what I saw, ( I didnt get plates of either car ,She lives here) The officer said I should have let them handle it...( the only thing that didnt sit well) :hypno: I didnt say anything, He took all my info, ph # , drvr lcns #, He would not have been here in time to stop anything....

The adrenaline running through me right now is incredable ( Funny thing I was listening to "REFUSE TO BE DENIED" the whole way home from work, and here I am "SGNT D" AND "CAPT THRAX " with a bat :hypno:

I AM "SIR PHOBOS BEATER OF ASS< KNIGHT OF MARS Your mission under "MARTIAN LAW" is to find Quins ass and Beat it! ( hey can i marry people under martian law? ")

TO THE MURPHMOBILE ( long live Hank "Howlin Mad" Murphy) :Smokin: :kickass: :flame: :muahaha: :rock: :rock: :rock:
well I think it was her boyfriend who got out of the car at a dead run...I chased off her husband, now honestly if I was female and my boyfriend bolted like that, Id be looking for a new boyfriend, ( chivalry tossed right out the window) im at work and may get into trouble for posting here at this time, I wont be home till tomorrow

Bar BQ at a friends after work so I will see you guys then
Sir Phobos said:
well I think it was her boyfriend who got out of the car at a dead run...I chased off her husband, now honestly if I was female and my boyfriend bolted like that, Id be looking for a new boyfriend, ( chivalry tossed right out the window) im at work and may get into trouble for posting here at this time, I wont be home till tomorrow

Bar BQ at a friends after work so I will see you guys then

That's a good way to look at it....
thraxx said:
That's a good way to look at it....

well what did ii say at the opther thread ... :kickass: ( a wee bit drunk)
anything bad you can walk away from cant be that bad, go have a BBQ< and BEER with your bro's

Actually I think I would have done it for anybody that needed it, I have spent to much of my life being bullied ,and as I have gotten older It seems impossible to stand idly by... ( life is life and the world is full of jerks)
augdawg2 said:

Crazy stuff mang, Kudos to you for having the nutts to do what you did, you may have saved somebody alot of physical pain.


I agree. I think you did the right thing. Sounds like it was pretty crazy!
The guy I chased off

That was kind of an odd moment, im in my car ( everyone knows who it belongs to) cuz im the only one not afraid to crank up the volume from time to time, ( everything from eminem to primus)
I aint skeered... it was just weird ( that paranoid feeling you get,should I watch my back kinda thing)im not worried about it im just babbling