Oh my lord, please help me!


Sep 11, 2002
Ok, I play (american) football for my highschool, and yesterday some of the guys on the team went over to a teammate's house after a game to hang out. Somebody brought a few girls over too, they're hot but they're whores too (from what I hear). The teammate, who's a good friend of mine, let me put in Soilwork so everybody could listen to it. Only one other person there has ever heard of Soilwork, and he liked it too (He listens to Bob Marley and stuff like that). I was talking to him, and the next thing i hear was one of the girls saying, "Who is this? Is this Slipknot?" I about had a heart attack! Is EVERY metal band to her Slipknot?!?!? They're not even the same type of metal!!! And before I put the cd in, a friend asked me if it was "hard rock"...I was like, "Yeah...hard rock :rolleyes: "
I like these people and everything, but jeeze it's hard being pretty much the only metalhead on the football team.

Edit: Oops, I forgor to finish :rolleyes:
But it just makes me mad that some people have no idea what types of music out there...I MUST TEACH THEM THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN SLIPKNOT AND SOILWORK!!!
No, just fuck your gf.

But seriously,
I've been in thesame situation as you where. Only in my case it was a rowingteam, but that doesn't matter.
In my opinion there are three kinds of people in the world, if we're talking about their relation to music. In reverence to bands like soilwork they are as follows:
There are those who like the music,
There are those who don't know it and are gonna like it and
There are those who are never gonna like it.

It's very hard to get the last group to see the difference between slipknot and soilwork. For they don't listen to music like you and i. They just wanna have some easy listening and nothing that might make their head hurt.
At least that was the case with me, i tried/am trying, to get people to admit there's a difference between bands like that, but they just don't get it. They say its all a load of noise and nothing more and i found that rather stupid and my opinion about them changed in that instant.

What i want to say is this, try to get them to know your music but don't try to force them to listen to it or to recognize it for more than they can. For if you do that, you'll go mad ;)
Indeed its no use, but the problem is that i have to listen to their music and they don't listen to mine. All because they think my music isn't music.
If they just said:"Turn it if i don't like it" it would be oke.
But they say:"Turn that fucking noise off" or something alike. And that's what irritates me. That they don't recognize it as music.
As i have nothing more to say to this thread, I must say, that I'm like Hearsie here... I can listen to (almost) anything people put on... And I don't even try to get them realize how beautiful bands like Meshuggah, Diablo or opeth are... It's no use, they will never getit, but who cares... :rock:
TRUE. i had the same problem at highschool at my class I was the only metalhead, I had a friend tat liked just Vivaldi, Mozart and stuff , but he couldn't stand distorted guitars. So I tried to make him listen to metallca and megadeth... Nowadays, he loves Nightwish, BlindGuardian, Stratovarius, even InFlames! so there are people you can change their mind! :lol:
but there was also 1 girl that she didn't know what was Nirvana!!! needless to say that she thinks it's just a state between life and death!
In those cases: don't even bother about explaining those guys what is a guitar.....