
I know this place has died again. It's sad.

Sooooo.....errr, yeah. I bought trousers the other day and when I got home there was still a security tag on them. When I took them back in they set the alarm off and they tried to take me upstairs and I was like "Nooo! You left it on! I phoned!!". It was really quite embarassing.
hhahahaha!! sorry its not funny, but it is kinda!!

Working in retail its hilarious, they always manage to stop the innocent and let the actual thieves get away!!

dumb asses!!
yeah leather is easily better but ken the guitarist gave me them for the crack as his g/f bought him them as she is dani filth mad and there 2 small for him so i said 1 night i would wear them for a gig so he gave me them
Here I am Sandman :loco: I ain't been on here in the last couple of days coz I been busy :yuk: Good to see some life on here - Any outsiders on here who have any inside knowledge on the 3rd album they're willing to share???
lol yeah :D Ha'way Matt lets see some more album covers etc :D Well i spotted Laura's cousin in a club in my town the other week and asked if he knew anything that we didnt ;) and unfortunately he never :( but was worth a try :)

I think Raven has the right idea :D only post them on the forums for us all 2 see ;) Or any pics of you wearing them Sandman...it's all in the name of shits and giggles :)
come and see dawn of chaos u slag and u will c me wear them we have also been asked to support cold (the band that fred "dickhead durst manages) its not confirmed yet the only gig confirmed is in november at guisborough.
Guisborough...is that near boro? If I can persuade sum1 2 take a car through I'll be there man - bad crack hearing 'bout your ankle man :S I've torn ligaments in my ankle before i know it ain't pretty :S Hope you get well soon man , no doubt you'll still be out on thursday night tho :D
Slasher said:
Guisborough...is that near boro? If I can persuade sum1 2 take a car through I'll be there man - bad crack hearing 'bout your ankle man :S I've torn ligaments in my ankle before i know it ain't pretty :S Hope you get well soon man , no doubt you'll still be out on thursday night tho :D

guisborough is like half an hour away its near redcar i think. yeah its pretty shit man and cheers. hell yeah am out on thursday not drinking like as i carnt walk on 2 feet never mind 1 lol.
Diamond Dave said:
I'm sure Matt will share his knowledge - and more importantly his tinkerings with Photoshop - when he next posts. Probably September 2006.
Wow - is it 2006 already? And hey! those weren't my tinkerings with photoshop per se - they were the work of the professional graphics designers that Area 54 have themselves chosen to employ...


Any way, I do hear that Lakis and Rob both - possibly coincidentally - ate breakfast yesterday. But that may just be media hype. And the breakfast may just have been cold pizza. And I may be wrong about Lakis.

And Rob...
Can you pass on my apologies to those professionals for any offence I may have caused them in saying that you may have done those designs in your lunch time or whenever Matt?

And any knews on what type of pizza?