Ok, fess up people......

Actually...knowing how Koshick operates, chances are they were never actually confirmed. :rolleyes:

I will never forget 1999, when he advertised Machine Head and Manowar as the headliners, when they already had shows in Europe that weekend. :lol:

You know those crazy Manowarriors. They still came out in full force hoping they would show up. All they got was a pretty killer DRI set, and a Cradle of Filth set, if they actually stayed around until 2AM. :lol:
Well, I guess this guy better make sure he has a copy of each band's contract with Jack prior to filing a lawsuit.

Most bands state what they require in terms of a Soundsystem / PA. Many bands / agents fail to put that in their contract.

Also, the majority of the bands who actually "paid" the $1000 to play most likely did not have a contract.

I am sure the fest was a fiasco, though their failure to properly advertise would not be grounds for lawsuit.

Should be interesting to see how this unfolds.
As I recall, the bands pay $1000 not just to play, but for tickets. Then they have to sell the tickets to people that want to go to the fest, helping to promote it, to make their money back. Milwaukee Metalfest has always worked that way. I remember buying my ticket from Dave of Jungle Rot 7 or 8 years ago (the last time I went). The bands probably couldn't get anything from a lawsuit stating that the fest wasn't promoted right when Koshick works it so that the bands (mostly unsigned) are responsible for doing just that: promoting HIS fest. Bands could get fucked on two things at this event: set time, because it ALWAYS runs off schedule, and cash (if they are getting paid). Years ago, Obituary had a huge thread on their website after Koshick screwed them out of cash for their performance at Florida's Sun 'N Steel fest. I'm not sure if it's still there, but it details how they were screwed out of money by him and asked other bands to share their stories, which they did. Any lawsuits that result from this year's Milwaukee Metalfest will not be new, and it will likely not be the first time Koshick has gotten sued or implicated in a lawsuit.
OUCH!! This sucks!!


This was a crosspost on the PM:X board...apparently, "This was taken during the Vicious Rumours set... they were day one's headliner. By the photographer's estimation, of the 30 people or so gathered to watch the set, most of them were members of other bands."

Underground metal is no longer, "Book it and they will come"
People have options.
You miss one show, and there are 10 around the corner.
That wasn't the case in the heyday of Milwaukee Metalfest.
That was the only place to see a large number of the bands they used to book in a given weekend.

If bands are stupid enough to pay $1000 + to play for 15 minutes at 11AM, then that is their problem. Furthermore, I would venture to say that the bands themselves did nothing to promote the fest either.

I am in no way defending Jack Koshick. I have seen him with my own eyes and ears spew some of the biggest pile of horseshit I have ever seen and heard. Though realistically, I don't think these sponsors legally have a leg to stand on in going against him.

I have seen many contracts in my day. Very rarely have I seen one written that states "Promoter agrees to advertise the show" Furthermore, how can one prove that he didn't? Poor turnout alone is not sufficient evidence that the event was not promoted.

I think any party choosing to get involved with the fest should have done more research on the guy's legacy before signing on board.

On a side note, I find it a little disturbing that Vicious Rumors would play the fest considering the personal attacks Jack K has made on Jack Frost and his family (Though I have no clue what kind of relationship James Rivera has with Jack Frost these days, though I always thought it was a good one. I would have guessed Rivera would have run the other way at being approached by Koshick, but so be it)
On a side note, I find it a little disturbing that Vicious Rumors would play the fest considering the personal attacks Jack K has made on Jack Frost and his family (Though I have no clue what kind of relationship James Rivera has with Jack Frost these days, though I always thought it was a good one. I would have guessed Rivera would have run the other way at being approached by Koshick, but so be it)

James has very little, if anything, to do with the business/booking side of either SW or VR, so I'm sure he had no clue. The ONLY band he has any control/say in is Helstar. So, IMO, this completely makes sense that it would happen.

I guess I'm more surprised that whoever is handling the booking for VR is SOOO out of touch with the scene, that they didn't know this could hapen with a Koshick event. Oh well, sometimes you gotta learn the hard way. Twelfth Gate sure did when we played Koshick's March Metal Meltdown in NJ back in 2003. Although, had we not played, I would've never have seen Martyr live & been determined to get them for a Powerfest. :kickass: