ok guys , i need your help and opinions !!

Brady k

Punish Them
okay i have been working on this song for a while and i cant seem to get the guitar as BIG sounding as i want it ,

What can i do to add presence to my guitar track ,besides reamping a million times ,,

and i know my mixing isn't anywhere near perfect,, can you guys hear anything wrong or lacking with the drums or bass???

here is the link


the song is called " Heavy Lies The Crown "
Did you actually end up reamping these guitars yourself? To me the tone just sounds dry, like maybe the signal going to the head isn't hot enough and so you get the same kind of effect as playing really lightly.

I used to have this problem before I realized that my reamp box needed to take a TRS input, not straight quarter inch.

Either that or you just need to crank up the gain on the head a bit. You could also try quad tracking the rhythm parts- 2 identical tracks per side.