ok i am man enough to admit it

that board just terrifies me. they're also a weird hostile cult too, maybe. A few years ago I tried posting (very pleasantly too!) about the awesomeness of the voynich manuscript and I got bombarded by this 72534-strong flurry of really angry posters saying things like, "OMG YOU THINK YOU'RE SOOOOO COOL BECAUSE YOU'RE POSTING ABOUT THIS 'VOYNICH MANUSCRIPT'. OMG, WOW, LOOK AT YOU TRYING TO BE SOOOOO QUIRKY AND SOOO WEIRD! STUPID BITCH. K BYE."

which made me go, errrr and be real confused. and so then I tried to post about possibly more pleasant things, like ice cream trucks, etc. and that didn't go over so well either... so *shrug*!
hah mia i totally remember your brief foray there!

greg, i post pictures of you there sometimes. just because.

it does stink more than ever before right now. holy shit.
i would tell you to post because fuck the bamas and fuck the system, except man you'd get razzed on your taste in metal. there'd be like 3 people sticking up for you and a bunch of bamas being morons.
beyond that, eh it's less racist than it used to be and i just crack dumb jokes all day like i do everywhere on the internet