Ok I thought I'd share. (Non-metal but good all the same)


Jan 8, 2008
Kent, UK
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1029645/Gadgetly Inclined.mp3

I try to be a jack of all trades in music and this was me taking a break from the br00t0lz. I decided to sit around and dig out some mad sounding stuff to work with so I ended up using:

Jefferson Airplane drums
60's TV Batman brass "pow" brass stabs
Various bits from the Ren and Stimpy production soundtrack
Vocal clips from "More docters smoke Camels" ad
Dialogue from Bedknobs and broomsticks: "Whats that got to do with my knob"
"Bela Lugosi Meets a Brooklyn Gorilla" dialogue
Vocals from Adiemus
Dialogue from "The Astro Zombies"
Dr. Dre drums (kick and snare)
Me on bass :)

All done in 5 and a half hours straight!

Please check it out and let me know what you think. Only posting this hear because its very, very non-metal. But some of you might like it. :rock:
Thanks! I worked my ass off on this and I generally only do that when I get the feeling that it's going to be interesting. :)
can you tell me more about how you created it!?
i was messing around with an MPD 18 and the fxpansion GURU demo (which seems to be some kind of virtual MPC clone)
some time ago and it was really fun.

Sure man!

I basically clicked out a few drum loops in cubase piano roll editer with halion playing a bunch of Dre drum samples, one kick and one snare wasnt enough, mixing two at the same time seems to work better with them. Then i listened to lots of music, playing bass at the same time to see if the root notes were far from the root I started with (C) so that if i had to pitch change it wouldnt be so drastic a change. Then I imported into cubase, cut at the first hit of the the 4/4 and cut at the end of the 4/4 and then i set the sizing editor (in cbase) to "sizing applys time stretch" and resized to fit the 2, 4 or 8 bars. That way all the loops fit in perfect place (in theory) then i pitch shifted all the roots to C (then worked out if they were scales that would work together)

Then I played bass over it all. and then I tralled youtube looking for interesting movie dialogue to add some interest.

If you do this and do it weird, be sure to post it.

And be sure to listen to this from The Avalanches if you like that.

Frontier Psychiatrist

"It is the opinion of the entire staff that Dexter is criminally insaine"

"Since i Left you"

I'd be happy to do a mix down of all the individual tracks if you like so you can hear what ive done in more detail.
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kinda random but interesting! :)
i need to the time stretch function in cubase.
i tried it some time ago but it sounded very bad,
maybe the samples were too long.
i guess it works better with shorter samples.
thanks for the tips!:)

about "Frontier Psychiatrist"
do you know where the main sample is taken from?
sounds really nice!
