OK so buffy


toe much love!
Nov 16, 2002
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omigod trogdor the burninator reference! and they didnt just slip it in there, they ran with it! hahhahahahaha

um... why does faith talk in ebonix?

buffy = hot, all the li'l slayers = hot

magic = sex = cool

spike being (totally) dead = :*( what a waste of a guy with a cute accent (albeit a fake one)

angel = dork

lotr action = *shrug, cool

no more BtVS = PAIN

im glad im an internet addict and no longer able to express myself in complete thoughts. whatev, people are way to hung out on that words shit anyway.
V Amorphisto: well, ive already made a buffy thread, but you should feel free to do so also
Baliset: it will take me a few mintues to compose myself
Baliset: i mean
Baliset: cool
Baliset: spike
V Amorphisto: i understand
V Amorphisto: well, it was inevitable
V Amorphisto: spike and anya = paradox
V Amorphisto: cant keep impossible people around
V Amorphisto: : (
Baliset: but they announced that spike is joining angel next season... i am confused
V Amorphisto: well, people are always dying and coming back right?
Baliset: thats true
Baliset: but what a way for spike to die. that ruled
V Amorphisto: yes, we are talking about the buffiverse here
V Amorphisto: yea, he is truly the man
Baliset: and what a way to restress the theme of female empowerment
V Amorphisto: dude, that episode was like the all feminism zone
V Amorphisto: it was like those nike commercials
Baliset: the d and d scene was fucking incredible as well
V Amorphisto: htat killed me
V Amorphisto: dude... "trogdor the burninator" holyfuckingshit
Baliset: man oh man. i did think angel was going to be in the whole episode but i am glad they got rid of him early. it was fitting
V Amorphisto: i dont like him anyway
V Amorphisto: he is a crappy actor or something
V Amorphisto: im not convinced theres a soul
V Amorphisto: really
Baliset: omg! i am a big angel fan.
V Amorphisto: this conversation is sort of asking to be posted
V Amorphisto: yea, but youre also a homo
Baliset: well i always did like the male characters in buffy more except for willow of coruse
Baliset: but she is also gay. hmmm
V Amorphisto: dude, her new girlfriend is HOTT
Baliset: yessir
V Amorphisto: and man, theres nothing like discovering someones tongue piercing while making out with them
V Amorphisto: its like... "hehe surprise! hott"
Baliset: can't relate
Baliset: but i was also glad they showed the fat girl becoming a slayer. it was like showign that the power of the slayer is not superficial
Baliset: they can't always look like eliza dushku
V Amorphisto: yea man, one fat slayer... shes probably gonna have to give the others their self esteem
V Amorphisto: "no, youre not fat... seriously, youre perfect. look at me."
V Amorphisto: what a crock
V Amorphisto: FUCK MEN
Baliset: lol
Baliset: yeah fuck men
Baliset: sorry got caught up in the moment. i feel so full of feminism now
V Amorphisto: awesome
Baliset: i feel inadequate
V Amorphisto: you want to know menses
Baliset: i almost feel like i should drink a beer and watch sports now.
V Amorphisto: nice
Baliset: nah fuck sports
BigFakeSmile said:
angel = dork

= so not the dork