OK, so how was the Transformers movie?


Soul Collector
Jun 26, 2001
Chicago, IL
Good or Bad...and why? No spoilers though, please.

So did Michael Bay screw it up like all you Bay haters (Diabolik) thought he would? ;) Just curious cuz I really wanna go see it & would like to be prepared regarding what to expect.

Good or Bad...and why? No spoilers though, please.

So did Michael Bay screw it up like all you Bay haters (Diabolik) thought he would? ;) Just curious cuz I really wanna go see it & would like to be prepared regarding what to expect.


I saw it last week!... I will admit...it was very good for what it was. I knew going in that it was a Michael Bay film so I didnt expect much other than flashy effects, zero story, and horrible character development and every cliche possible. There is no spoilers here!

The good thing is that it starts right up and every explaination works for the film, you never once roll your eyes and say "that cant happen". You really beleive what is on the screen. The effects are incredible. You would think that these robots were actually real.

My only downside is that you dont get to know the robots asides like 2 of them. The rest are just background characters. So in the big battles you never fear for any of them or even know what ones are which.

Plus you get to see the trailer for "Cloverfield" aka the Parasite. A top secret film that JJ Abrhams was working on....great trailer....wont spoil it.

I am hoping to see Sicko and Rescue Dawn (been waiting years for it) this weekend.
This is what I posted in the PM Pub: contains a couple of "details" but no real spoilers.

I was surprised by how much I enjoyed this movie. I never gave a crap about Transformers one way or the other, so it wasn't a nostalgia thing. I just thought Bay finally hit the right tone of "my movies suck, so I might as well have fun with them". The first 2/3 of the movie were funny and visually stunning. When the bots were sitting on and around the house waiting for Witwicky to find the glasses, I really believed they were there on the house!

The movie lost traction in the last third with the big battle; I guess as long as people and bots are shooting at each other and stuff is blowing up, you don't need to be able to figure out who is shooting at who, how many people / bots are shooting at any one group, where anyone is relative to anyone else, and you just have to take the word of the scene that it's time to stop shooting because the right things end up dead. That was my biggest (and pretty much only) complaint. It was a fun two-plus hours.

I enjoyed this movie so much that I'm sure I orgasmed more than once during the film.

I was obsessed with the cartoon when I was a kid, and I was a HUGE Optimus Prime fan. So when Prime was introduced in the movie I had to contain myself, lest my squeal of glee annoy fellow movie-goers.

I thought they did a good job with Starscream, especially. He's not a silly nonce in the movie like he was in the cartoons. Granted, there wasn't too much room for Decepticon character development, but this is, in effect, an action flick, so I wasn't expecting much. Also, I didn't think it would be possible for giant robots to pee.

I was wrong. :D

Diablok: Was Cloverfield the trailer where everything was all...uhmm...how not to spoil it...very different than how most trailers are presented? I think it was the "Bad Robot Films" one, right?
Diablok: Was Cloverfield the trailer where everything was all...uhmm...how not to spoil it...very different than how most trailers are presented? I think it was the "Bad Robot Films" one, right?

yes..you are correct....there is all these online things happeneing like fake pages and blogs by people from the film and all these clues on to what it all means. very cool. hopefully the movie can hold up to the build up.
Diablok: Was Cloverfield the trailer where everything was all...uhmm...how not to spoil it...very different than how most trailers are presented? I think it was the "Bad Robot Films" one, right?

Bad Robot Films is the company of JJ Abrams, the producer of Alias and Lost. Considering how much I've liked those shows, together with the trailer, I'm definitely intrigued!

I saw this movie last week and LOVED it. I won't rehash what's already been said. The effects really blew me away. I actually wasn't expecting it to be that good. This is one of the few movies that I'd pay to see again. Trust me, I don't do that often.
I want to use the term "Ball Gravy" so bad here, but if I create the female equivalent, well, err, we prolly just should NOT go there!!! :lol:

Ovary gravy? :ill:

Diabolik: I'll have to look for some of those blogs and other bits of movie hints. I thought the trailer was interesting. I thought it might be about dragons because of the roaring, or maybe alien attack, but someone else thought it might be Cthulhu-related. Speculations abound!
Ovary gravy? :ill:

Diabolik: I'll have to look for some of those blogs and other bits of movie hints. I thought the trailer was interesting. I thought it might be about dragons because of the roaring, or maybe alien attack, but someone else thought it might be Cthulhu-related. Speculations abound!

The Aint it Cool News site did a retraction today about the film and all the web hype...I guess the web sites that everyone thought were related to the film were actaully for a video game coming out. From what it looks like it seems like a giant monster film. It would be very cool if it was Cthulhu related. I doubt it because someone would have leaked it out or whoever had the rights would have said something. Either or...if it has giant monsters smashing cities...I am in.