Ok so the last one fell short...


Capsicum Slave
Feb 19, 2003
The Land of TAXES [SWE]
Visit site
Being a "virtual" guitar god, such as myself, I found the last album short. SHORT, to be honest it was not only the honest word, but BAD! Is the band spanking who ever was respondsible for this "freak album"? WTF happened, this forum has dipped since last I graced these now damp fields. Shame on all you complaining wanks that were the hard core followers. High and dry, for better or worse? So we got trolled, but the most embarrasing people were the boarders here. Some people shame their name IMO. Sure piss in the wind but talent has NO substitute remember this COB had all of us amazed not more then a couple of years ago. Don't turn your leaf so quickly and then come back to say " I always liked them!".

Fuck of you all sincerely Rasmus

ps. Roaming again!
I havn't turned my back on them at all. Fuck, im buying a zip sweatshirt (COB) a CD right now or soon anyways...