OK someone help me damnit !!


New Metal Member
Nov 18, 2002
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i know this is not the place to post but what the hell i am desperate ! lol
i am in need BADLY for an ESP M-2 Deluxe !!! and i cannot find what i need ANYWHERE !!!! :(((( i have been searchin hours a day for one , and i cannot find it !! i checked ebay , they had some pretty good ones but not what i wanted exactly !!! the model i want basicly is exactly like romeos !!! not the one with the slanted neck pick up !!! i'd like 1 volume knob and one pickup selector ( gibson type not fender type ) , so basicly just like the one romeo has :D
none of the stores here have any , and if they have some it is LTD'S which i do not want !!
i even checked the ESP site and they don't have any !!!
if someone can help me i'd really appreciate it !!! thnx :)
The one Mike Romeo uses is a model that is no longer manufactured. I have a feeling that
Yngvai X may know where you could find one. We talked about this before the Birch Hill show. He is VERY knowledgable about it and knows a lot of pro guitarists, also lives in NYC. If he misses this post, I'll e-mail him. Good luck, I sure hope you find a nice one.
Hehe, well, I lucked out cause I got the VERY LAST ONE in the warehouse the year it was discontinued. Mine has a maple fretboard tho, but I like that better than rosewood now anyway :). As far as getting a new one, I think the only place you can turn to is someone who can get guitars from Japan. They still make an ESP M-II similar to the style Romeo uses, except it has a tone control now, and a slotted selector switch (they don't make the volume control/3 way setup anymore). Other than that the only option is Ebay. I think recently I saw one on there that was a dual humbucker, but Im not sure. Most are the older versions, which have the slanted single coil in the neck. Keep lookin dude, and good luck!

BTW, the Japanese ESP site is www.espguitars.net
thnx for the info guys :) i appreciate it !!! guess what , my friend has an ESP exactly like the one i want and told me he might wanna sell it but won't know for sure until a couple of weeks , very good condition and had it for a year !!! YAYYY :lol:
i will keep checkin ebay though , thnx again !!!