ok thats it! i need you help!


Aug 2, 2011
so after so f**** long time, i still CANT get a tone which i am 50% satisfied of (i guess i will never be 100% anyway).

i gave up on the i5, the freman (which sounds too heavey on low mids) and decided to master the 57.

i am micing the a powerball head (***wait! see comment at the bottom of the post) legacy cab, sm 57 (not fake) soundcraft spirit mixer as preamp (or focusrite preamp, sound craft sound sbetter anyway) and RME.

i am sick of moving the microphone, because it all sounds like shit. here is a clip of me playing like an idiot while trying to move the microphpne with other hand.

*** powerball - i know you guys dont love it, and even hate it, but before we are talking about not tight sounds, we should first get normal tone.

here is the clip:

basiclly mic was anywhere between center, edge, 2 inch from grill and 5 inch from grill

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A lot of people make 57's and i5's sound fucking rad as fuck, but I have never been happy. The happiest I have been with my own mic'd stuff is when i just randomly slapped a cheapass nady rsm-2 ribbon in front. WHAT THE FUCK.

I'm not saying do that, but I'M JUST SAYIN'.
"This track is currently not available."

I think you should consider ditching the Powerball if that is at all possible for you. After having to work with one myself I can definitely see where all the hate is coming from. I'm guessing the Legacy cabinets at least sound decent?
"This track is currently not available."

I think you should consider ditching the Powerball if that is at all possible for you. After having to work with one myself I can definitely see where all the hate is coming from. I'm guessing the Legacy cabinets at least sound decent?


well i saved really lot of money for that amp, i will loose a lot on selling it if anyone buys it, and i dont have other alternatived except the mark 5, which i didnt really like :(
What cab are you mic'ing? At 0:44 there was a point where it was getting there but then it went away. :D

The cab is just as important as the amp, so it might simply be the cabinet. I got similar tones with Bugera speakers.
What cab are you mic'ing? At 0:44 there was a point where it was getting there but then it went away. :D

The cab is just as important as the amp, so it might simply be the cabinet. I got similar tones with Bugera speakers.

Carvin legacy with v30s!!

if you want some air, get it off the dustcap, and back it off to about 4 inches, then crank that bitch.

what do you mean off the dustcap?

4" losses some impact i guess right?

i mostly feel like it lacks that flat a smooth mids
I love the powerball,i think that this amp works better with condenser mics like neuman TLM.
the gain and the bass are the dangerous settings on this amp,so in general don't add alot.
im sure you can get a killer tone from a powerball
this one sounds wide, i dont mean wide in stereo field, but i mean you can hear all the spectrum and depth.

liste to this:


just amp, and sm 57. mine is really dull compared to that one. i need to admit i use CHEAP mic cables. (cheap i mean - 5 years old 10$ made in china uknown brand). but i remember testing other cables here and i didnt find a BIg difference
Has to be mesacab & speakers if it isn't the powerball or the 57 (if your cables aren't totally fucked)...or maybe room.
I dunno tho, never miced or played a legacy cab.

Also thought that it was quite nice 7 secs in.
Compared to Olas clip for me it sounds like you didn't crank the amp enough, can that be?
Has to be mesacab & speakers if it isn't the powerball or the 57 (if your cables aren't totally fucked)...or maybe room.
I dunno tho, never miced or played a legacy cab.

Also thought that it was quite nice 7 secs in.
Compared to Olas clip for me it sounds like you didn't crank the amp enough, can that be?

well it wasnt totally cranked. just to the point i can still be in the room and play without earplugs.., it was loud, but not cranked
do you guys crank the amp also in home recording? i am guesing old couldnt crank it soo much in his house, where the video was recorded... it feels almost like my 57 just dont pickup all the frequecies it has to. or the cables causing it

here is a miced legacy:

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Why do you think the amp would sound better if you'd have the poweramp section lower in home recording situations? ;)

Dunno how much Ola actually cranks them, saw on the 5150 vid that it was on 2.5 which for me is allready too loud to be played without earplugs, especially when sitting in front of it.
Try to get a decent cable and another 57 to eliminate those as the cause first
First off, cables are big, and if you value your tone you will not skimp out on cables just because they don't say Marshall or have knobs on them. Room positioning is more important. Look at how Ola has his amps/cabs positioned in his room for the clip you posted, this can be a very tonal thing. Get your cabinet situated in a part of the room which is most conducive to making a good sounding recording. The tone in Ola's playthrough vids is how that amp sounds in the room properly miked, you can tell from hearing it. From now on, when dialing your amp, kneel down in front of the cabinet with your ear in line with the speakers so you can hear what the mic hears before it hears it.

Oh, and one final note, if your cab is angled front, mic the bottom speakers.