Ok, the REAL Poll for BleedingNeonBlack

Do you like BleedingNeonBlack?

  • Total voters

Captain Beard

No longer active
Sep 6, 2001
Do you like her? I've heard a few of you say no.

Ok, about the controversy over this poll: I'm not trying to create a popularity contest, or at least I wasn't. I wanted to know who liked her and who didn't, a simple curiosity. I have no opinion on her, so it made it easy. I even added a third option for those who wanted to be respectful, if they wished. So: Am I being an asshole? I wasn't TRYING to be one, I just don't have any kind of moral/ethical dam when it comes to asking some questions, so I didn't realize that some might think I was stirring up trouble. I am not trying to drive BleedingNeonBlack from the forum, just gathering information. You may choose not to vote and leave a post instead if you feel it wrong to put your feelings into a three answer format.
utterly :confused:
I didn't notice she said something irritating. unlike some other ppl here do. at times. :loco:

(besides, imagine if you made "do you like Tee" poll? :tickled: )
neal said:
yeh. some of the chicks are bitchy at her which is lame.

I agree. Don't know why but that's their problem.

And BNB is fuckin cool just like each and every one of us. /hippie
Dead_Lioness said:
NL... this poll is completely tasteless. IMO.
*sigh* It wasn't when I thought of it. Then I was warned it'll turn into a popularity contest, so I added the paragraph.
sorry to say this...but this is lame!!!

anyways...about the old Avatar...i do like it alot...but its nice to have change...i have been thinking about bringing it back...

as for the people who dont like me...well i dont know if i really care since u never met me..i am only here because i am a nevermore fan and i have nothing better to do on the internet
Why did you cheat on me with Zack? Just because you liked his poetry you decided to sleep with him?!?! You're shameful in every aspect of the word! I thought what we had was special! I guess I was wrong!!!!
ct_thrash said:
we will return for the second half of days of our lives, in just a moment

Sunflower seeds, meet computer screen.

Thanks for the laugh cara. :lol::lol: