Okay, a little more faith in Richard Christy...


METAL... nuff said!
...since I listened to Leash Law's album Dogface.


Power metal with Rich on da drums! WHOAH!

And that Rick Renstrom muthafucka can TEAR IT UP! Just goes to show, that a handicap doesn't mean NUTHIN if you kick allmighty ass!!!

Now I wanna see these guys live... this is good schtuff.... this.. is

As long as he doesn't completely turn his back on music, and sticks with this little group of eardrum assassins, I'll be happy!!!
It's NOT Death. It's power metal. Damned good stuff, too! The drumming is very simplified compared to what Christy is capable of, but he does it with machine precision. It's all the little details and flashy fills he throws in everywhere, that keeps it from being stale repetitive drumming. And it sounds killer.

Vocals are anywhere from evil growling to banshee screaming. Most of the vocals are in a good normal range, definitely singalong stuff that you'd be grooving to on long road trips. Strong voice. Not shaky or weak anywhere, but not overdone or too aggressive. Could want some more energetic, emotional attempts, but it still sounds great. Definitely a Nevermore vibe in some parts.

Guitars are thick and evil! Some good riffage, and killer solos. Not watered down at all. Songs are all pretty straight-forward, loud and aggressive.

And that's all I can say about that!
If you want to hear most the guys from Leash Law in a more death metal style check out Tiwanaku. We have some mp3's on our site: http://www.beyondearcandy.com/tiwanaku.htm
The line is Wade Black, Rick Renstrom, Richard Christy, Emo Mowrey on bass, vocals and keys and newly added Mark Kozlowski on guiter.
This band kicks ass too in a heavier, darker style.