okay, i never used to like midnight oil


Sep 12, 2002
even though i know i like them, thematically; musically, i always thought they were kind of hokey and/or gimmicky, but this one track i'm listening to is really good.

what suprises me is that this stuff is recorded in '97. i would have bet cash that it was birthed in '82 or '83ish.

can anyone recommend the 1978-era M.O.? is it as radical as the later stuff?
also, i have to say, something confounding happened tonight.

i was visiting my parents, and while my mother was playing computer solitaire (hearts? cell? whatever it's called), an errant IM window popped up from someone called "SKIFREAK777" (i think), demanding to know "wHo ThE FUK r U?", and "iS tHiS RENEE?"

after several minutes of (literal) squawking, my mom gave up the keyboard. i was more concerned that AIM opened spontaneously, in fact, under my mother's logged-in profile, knowing full well that my pre-teen sister is the only one who (knows how to) use(s) it.

the_skifreak continued pelting us with messages, and my mom insisted that i respond with "this is HER MOTHER YOU'RE TALKING TO", which i tried to say would only make things worse. it didn't seem to penetrate her ears, and through the haze of sputtering mom-words all i could muster to type was "do you know who you are dealing with?"

this sort of worked, as the messages took on a different tone: "ReAlLy, WHO are yOu?"

i didn't bother. i signed off, changed some AIM prefs and tried to spin some damage control for my sister, who was off having dinner at a friend's house. i told my mom that it could be anyone, most likely someone compelely random, fucking around, etc etc.

but i did note that renee is a cousin's name.

to make a long story short, my sister comes home, and of course, proceeds to cut her own throat, as this seems to be her talent in life.

asked: "so who is skifreak777?"
her: "uh, dan"
(dan, as it turns out, is the name of the kid she was just eating dinner with)
mom: what? dan uses that language? was he just online? did you know he was IMing here?
sister: uh, yeah we both were... uh...
me: heh
mom: b..but.. was this while you were coming home? why would he do that? well you have to tell him i don't appreciate that language!
sister's face: drooping
me: heh heh
sister: wait, see i think someone was just online using my screenname, while i was at dan's, and we were trying to find out who that was.
mom: using that language?
sister: and we were just.. oh.. uh... NICK!

as usual, she thought i was (for whatever reason) using her AIM and that i tricked her and turned her in.

this is a bad story, right?

epilogue: my stepfather later asked: "do you ever, you know, use language like that, you know, online?"

also, i checked my sister's AIM screen name list and she had about 15 assorted handles, all of them more astonishing and crude than the last (ghettogirl### and whatnot).

the hidden lewdness of a 13 year old doesn't necessarily suprise me, but the fact that i spotted 'killbush' among them did.
bear in mind that i am basically my parents' age.

also, my stepfather has this nasty tendency to sit around the house in either his mouldering boxers or a pair of short jean cutoffs.

his body resembles a completely droopy version of tony soprano's and this includes the dinner table.
ahahahahahaha this is amazing. We'd always harass my friend's little sister (KitKatLOVR17) abput her ridiculous AIMing.

bravo nick. did she ever realize it was yr mom and not you? did youturn off autologin for her?
that's too bad. see, my dad is quite well dressed. i mean, he always wears nice jeans and some sort of interesting t-shirt. always either white, blue, gray, or brown. he always matches. he always wears a belt. and he has many fancy pairs of shoes, shoes for his boat, shoes for work, shoes for walking around... shoes for parties... and even has d&g wife beaters i got him from milan.
and my dad never wears shorts or boxers ever (masonry is a bad job to have if you wear boxers... trust me) and my dad has a ton of scars on his legs from being hurt in the war. so no shorts. thankfully.
nick will appreciate my latest laughable diary entry that i reread: i even tried to make myself feel better by wearing my d&g skirt and my rolex. no dice. i'm still white trash.
josh: yes, to both. the sad thing is, my sister gets very embarassed when something like this happens, and i have a hard time figuring out her emotions. it's almost as if she gets down on herself for getting caught? but in an innocent way. tough to put down in words.

amanda: i fail to see one iota of white trash in you. and i think i did read that entry!

xfer: answer my midnight oil question.
preps, a scratched rolex is more white trash than no rolex at all. well, not really, i guess.

nick: i am totally unqualified to answer that question. i could make something up, if you like?
ok, well, the early Midnight Oil is a lot different from the later stuff--remember, they had very different lineup then--but it still has the same sort of MO verve. as they got more commercialized, the stuff that was always pretty subtle in their music came forward so it was more obviously "radical"; that element's defintely present in the older stuff, though it'll take more effort to pick out. it's like listening to Boys Don't Cry and hearing shades of the amazing guitar and texturing that's a lot more blatant in later albums.

from that era, i recommend Curving and Cutting, but you should also listen to Shock of Ages.
well, white trash i guess would be best explained if you visit my house the next time i am in MA.

also: the rolex i have WAS scratched when i got it. it's vintage and was bought from a dealer. i didnt actually scratch it, much to my amazement.