Did you not pay attention to the last batch of history - or, while we're at it, math or science - books? Yeah, the neoconservatives fucked up... but the books were so atrocious before that they're not actually going to get *worse* so much as *bad in a slightly different way*. They'll still be ignored, and anyone who wants a clue about *anything* will find better resources (and it doesn't matter what books you give the rest of the population), so with all things considered the department of babysitting is far less of an issue than it's made out to be. (Try working for one of the schools someday... you'll see exactly why I didn't bother saying a thing earlier. I know we'd like to pretend that we can save the public schools if we only blahdeedahdeedoo, but it'll take a lot more than what we have available to save it and it has seen far worse injuries than what the miseducation board just approved.)
That's missing the point, though, because it's already hard to compare Texas to *any state at all* - it's simply too big and varied. Tossing in Oklahoma, which has to be one of the flattest, dullest, most homogeneous blobs anywhere nearby, is the problem - putting recent events aside (since it's not at all hard to find state legislators doing stupid things) and looking at bigger properties, Texas is damned near impossible to shove next to anything else in that way.